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Shinji slams through the front door, on a mission to see the one face we’ve craved since waking this morning. The urge has grown stronger thanks to our afternoon meeting with Tomasso Giametti. I follow with a steady tread behind him, allowing the anticipation to sizzle through me.

There’s no use denying Lakeshia’s effect on me or the driving desire to see her face and hear her voice. Tomasso’s appearance has no bearing on why. There is no rhyme or reason I need to be near her, and I’m beginning to accept this new reality.

Does it bother me she emotionally closes herself off? Absolutely. But as Shinji has experienced, no obstacle remains in my path for long.

We find Lakeshia in what used to be an empty room on the first floor. Boxes and computer gear fill the room with a disarray that brings an itch to my fingertips. I temper the urge to straighten everything and turn my attention to finding the woman at the center of this chaos.

A frown of concentration wrinkles her brow as she bends over and fiddles with a device.

“What do we have here? I thought shopping meant you were out buying clothes.” Though modulated, I can’t hide the curiosity in my tone.

“I disagree.” Shinji grins as he pulls Lakeshia to her feet. “Clothes would have been expected and way too ordinary for our Lakeshia.”

“I’m not your Lak?—”

Shinji rubs a thumb over her lips, halting her protest with little trouble. She furrows her brow, showing me Shinji isn’t the only person who can make a frown adorable and sexy. She isn’t putting on some act, which could be why I find her expression so endearing.

With a mile-wide smile, Shinji leans in to press his lips against hers. The kiss is short, to the point, and causes her frown to disappear. Shinji may have accomplished his goal, but I want more.Mylips remain untouched, but a tingling sensation sings a yearning melody underneath.

I clear my throat, but Lakeshia’s lips continue to distract me from satisfying my curiosity. “What is all this equipment for?”

Lakeshia drags her gaze from Shinji to look around the room at the electronics. With a shrug, she says, “Hunting.”

I straighten, any lighthearted thoughts about refreshing my memory from this morning dying like cold ash. “Hunting? As in, for your revenge?” My measured steps eat the distance between us.

As expected, Lakeshia doesn’t cower. If anything, she puffs out her chest, using her body to scream her defiance.

“Shinji and I are taking care of hunting the Giametti’s. Your job is to stay safe and get pregnant.”

“I know you like to control everything, but you aren’t my boss. As such, you don’t get to dictate my job. And in case youhaven’t noticed, I’m no Virgin Mary. Last I checked, immaculate conception isn’t a thing.”

Shinji wraps his arms around Lakeshia. “We intend to fulfill our side of the bargain. For now, we’re taking things slow until you’re ready.”

She shrugs his arm away. “Until then, I refuse to pretend like I’m okay with being in the dark. I told you I needed an active role in exacting my vengeance. If you don’t like it, let’s call an end to this setup.” She averts her eyes, but too late.

The brief glimpse of sadness is enough to convince me she doesn’t want to leave. At least, not all of her. It’s my turn to evaluate the situation and I discard undesirable outcomes with lightning speed.

“I think we should tell her,” Shinji interrupts me as I come to the same conclusion.

“Tell me what?” Lakeshia backs away with new wariness entering her eyes.

I hate the shadow of distrust, but I’m beginning to understand it. Not the why behind the instant decision to doubt me and Shinji. Someone or repeated events in her past have colored her perception of the world. I want to reset that for her. Show her Shinji and I are trustworthy.

“Before we say anything, I’ll agree to share intel as long as you do the same.”

“That’s reasonable.” She nods, but like our call earlier today, she can’t hide the doubts weighing on her shoulders.

I grab my phone and make a call, putting it on speaker. I talk as soon as the call connects. “Ichiro, from now on, you’ll work from my house. Bring all your equipment and everything you’ve found with you.”

“Uh…did I fuck something up?”

“Not at all. From now on, you report to Lakeshia first.” I hang up and nod toward the door. “While I don’t mind standing, Iexpect this next discussion to be a lengthy one and would rather talk in comfort.”

Shinji steers Lakeshia toward the family room. I meet her curious gaze every time she glances back at me. Lakeshia attempts to split from my husband and sit in a chair facing the sofa. If Shinji’s arm hadn’t tightened around her waist to bring her to the couch to sit between us, I would have stepped in.

“You were right to run when you did. Tomasso showed up in Hawaii the day after we cleaned out your apartment.” I share some of the information Shinji and I learned on the ride home.

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