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“I’m listening.”

“Because your business caters to an elite clientele, we haven’t exposed you to the other ways we do business.” Takeshi holds my stare as if daring me to point out his wound again. “We have the money, power, and men ready to kill and die to protect us. You have your wits. At some point, your judgment won’t be enough to stop the next bullet headed your way.”

“You aren’t going to let me leave, are you?”

“Not while you’re in danger,” Shinji says. His phone pings and he checks it. “About time. The doctor is here. Once she patches you up, we can leave.”

I relax my shoulders and approach them, making sure my movements and facial expression don’t warn them about my intentions. Not until I get close enough.

“I’m glad someone is here to look after you, Takeshi. Know that I appreciate your offer and I’m sorry I have to do this.”

“Do what?” Shinji begins to turn to me.

I take advantage of the small window and smash my gun against the back of his head.

“Not fucking again,” Takeshi says as Shinji’s body slumps over him.

“I’m really, really sorry but I can’t tell you what you want to know.”

“You have no idea the mistake you’ve just made.”

“Probably. I’ll just add it to all my other fuck ups. I hope you heal soon.”

“Do you really think I won’t find you after what you’ve done to my husband? Again?” Takeshi struggles to gently move Shinji’s body off him.

I shrug. “Shinji had five years to look for me and I’d been working with your organization for almost four of them. I like my odds.”

With no more time to spare, I clutch my go bag and my purse and haul ass out the exit. On the way outside, I stumble into a pretty brown woman with a soft traveling case. “He’s upstairs. Hurry! I think he’s lost a lot of blood. And you’ll want to treat Shinji for a concussion. I hit him pretty hard,” I say without stopping.

Her head follows me as I make my mad escape, confusion clouding her eyes.

By the time Takeshi recovers enough my trail will be cold and Fiona Mills will no longer exist.



I rub the healed area on my shoulder, not because it hurts but due to the flesh and blood reminder in front of me.

She lies sleeping while Shinji and I sit across from her in a chair. She should be dead right now for laying hands on my husband. Not once, but twice. Why Shinji insists on protecting her confounds and infuriates me.

Whether by luck or fate, we found her and her new identity after three weeks of searching. I squash the flicker of admiration for her ballsy actions. If not for a slight miscalculation on her part, I would never have thought to find her here in Serenidad; hiding in plain sight in a luxury hotel suite.

A moan issues from her parted lips, drawing my attention to her once more. Why lie? I’ve been aware of her presence ever since I discovered where she was staying. This shouldn’t be happening to me. No one besides Shinji has ever affected me this way and I don’t like it.

I would be lying if I said I never noticed her on my previous work trips, but I’m a one-man kind of person. Fiona Mills isunconventional in looks and sex appeal. I appreciated her like one would admire fine art in a museum. A masterpiece for one’s eyes only, not someone to covet, and definitely not someone worth risking my relationship with Shinji. We’ve been through too much of my baggage for me to ever endanger the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Fiona shifts in the bed, dragging her sheet below her neck. The glimpse of silken mahogany skin is enough to tell us she isn’t wearing pajamas or a nightgown. I glance at my husband from the corner of my eye. He appears calm as he sits on my lap, but the almost imperceptible swiveling of his hips betrays his awareness of her.

Why her?

I want to scream the question but it’s moot. I have long promised Shinji and myself to fulfill his every desire. Two years ago, he’d asked for a baby and I reluctantly agreed, hoping to avoid the subject as long as possible. I thought Shinji perceived my reluctance and let the subject go after he declined a list of agencies whose services included connecting prospective parents with surrogate mothers.

How was I to know he was holding out for her?

She shifts again.

What is it aboutthiswoman?

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