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“—enter my office without supervision. Now, leave.”

Although entertaining, the brief interlude has done nothing to dampen my enthusiasm to pant beneath my husband. I catch Takeshi checking his phone. Without him saying why, I know he’s five seconds away from calling and checking on Lakeshia. Now that he’s agreed she belongs with us, his worrywart nature will go into overdrive. Only her voice assuring him she’s safe will calm him until the next time he needs convincing.

However, a simple call at this stage in our relationship won’t appease him. Not until she solidifies her status in our lives and claims us the way we’ve claimed her.

Before he ruins my long-term plans for Lakeshia by smothering her with his insecurity posing as concern, I drag him into the supply closet and shut the door. When I turn to him, eager for my first taste of him in hours, he manacles my wrists.

“What’s gotten into you?” he demands, holding me at bay with ease.

Of course...

I drop my head onto his shoulder. In my excitement, I disregarded Takeshi’s resistance to spontaneity. “What’s gotten into me? The problem is what hasn’t. You. Why aren’t you as desperate to be with me?”

His eyes darken and his nostrils flare. “You know better than to question my desire for you.”

Takeshi transfers my hands into one of his and pushes me until my back thuds against the shelves. He uses his free hand to tunnel his fingers through the hair at my neck. My selfish need for him works to distract him from thoughts of Lakeshia and his reliance on controlling every aspect of our lives.

My breathing deepens the closer he gets to me until he presses his aroused body into mine. I stare into his eyes andI catch the determined glint that tells me Takeshi will wrest control of our situation, but he will do so at his pace.

“Why now? Why the urgency?” he asks.

“When am I not eager for you? I admit, the feeling is stronger because we haven’t fucked since the first night with Lakeshia, but I’m not doing anything I haven’t done before.” I stare steadily at him while he contemplates me in the strained silence.

He breaks our stare-off to glance at our cold surroundings. Binders, printer paper…all the stationary accessories an office needs to run provide an unromantic backdrop to what I hope is our inevitable coupling.

“Why do you insist on challenging me?” Takeshi frees me from his hold and steps away.

I miss the heated strength of his grasp but I shake off the loss. “Challenging you? Hardly. I merely expressed what I wanted.” I smile, bouncing back from the brief disappointment.

Takeshi shakes his head, but I’m no longer frustrated. How can I be when he undoes his belt?

“This is not my ideal location. I won’t be gentle.”

I smile wider. “I don’t need gentle. I just need you.”

Takeshi’s nostrils flare and his jaw flexes. “On your knees.”

The urge to slam my knees to the ground on command is difficult to subdue, but I succeed. Instead, I give Takeshi a sultry smile and lick my lips as I slowly sink into position. “What next, Keishi-kun?”

“Warubozu,” he says.

I wink, living up to the brat he calls me.

“Take my dick out. Make love to it with your mouth. Remind yourself who I belong to.” He dislodges my bun and my wavy hair falls to my shoulders.

While maintaining eye contact, I fish out his dick and stroke him until I catch the telltale clench of his jaw. Then I bury my face in his crotch, inhale his scent, and rub my face against hisshaft and balls. He told me to make love to his dick, and I fully intend to.

I start with gentle kisses until I get to his sac, where I pause until he meets my stare. Slowly, I stick out my tongue and pull his scrotum into my mouth to suck on the soft skin. Takeshi’s eyes narrow, but he maintains his rigid control.

I work my way up his dick until I reach the tip where a pearlescent drop balances. Not one to waste the delicacy, I sweep my tongue to collect the fluid. As the flavor registers on my tongue, I moan my delight.

As usual, I am the undisciplined one, unable to resist my need for immediate satisfaction, which is why I stop savoring my lover and engulf him in my mouth. I bob on Takeshi’s dick, hollowing out my cheeks and delighting in his texture and flavor without quieting my enjoyment.

I almost lose myself in the act of loving his dick with my tongue and hands when Takeshi pulls me off him.

“Who do I belong to?” he demands with a fierce frown.

“Me,” I gasp.

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