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I shrug. “I have no idea but when I came to my senses, the guy freaked and walked out the door, talking about I needed a warning label if I was going to get hysterical over a hug.”

My skin begins to crawl. Although I’m willing to share this story with Shinji and Takeshi, the nameless stranger was not the cause of my distress then, nor is he now.

Takeshi pulls my body closer to him and tucks my head beneath his chin. Shinji follows, pressing his front into my spine. Being in the close confines of their embrace should prompt another attack, but somehow, being held with no judgment or expectation to perform is more liberating than my years chasing a high through transactional sex.

Shinji shifts behind me and doesn’t settle until he presses the soft material of my blanket in my hands. All skin-crawling ceases to exist, and a sense of security envelopes me with the first soft cottony touch. I blink away the tears brought on by his thoughtful gesture. For my own self-preservation, I can’t assume his motives are innocent.

I should complain about the liberties they’ve taken with me. Dammit, I will complain. Right now. I open my mouth and a huge yawn takes over. Instead of issuing a sharp reprimand, I snuggle deeper into Takeshi’s arms. I’ll say something after I rest my tired eyes for five seconds.

Takeshi presses a kiss on my forehead. Not to be outdone, Shinji does the same to my nape. It all happens seconds before my mind goes blank.



I wake up groggy and alone. Why hadn’t Takeshi and Shinji woken me? Do they believe I wouldn’t want to see them after last night? Do they not want to see me?

No. I reject the thought as a fuzzy memory fights to solidify. Was it a dream? Wishful thinking? Or had Takeshi and Shinji taken turns kissing the breath out of me before I could respond or was coherent enough to protest as the darkness vanished into the early morning light?


I pull the covers over my head as I recall mumbling about morning breath and both men chuckling. They ignored my concern, took turns possessing my mouth and making me moan in my semi-wakeful state.

No, they have no residual hangups about last night. But I do.

I sweep the covers off my body, determined not to dwell on how the night ended. After a quick shower, I head downstairs for breakfast. Takeshi, Shinji, or maybe Kori, left an assortment of fruit and a personalized quiche I devour without hesitation.

Without Shinji and Takeshi’s presence, boredom sets in. With my malaise comes too much time to reflect on my behavior. Avoidance and distractions are way better activities than reliving last night. I jump out of my chair and go in search of Riu as sitting idle doesn’t mesh with what I need, nor is it my ideal way to spend the day. Neither is looking into setting up a new escort business, although I’d agreed to do so.

Instead of creating a company and losing myself in the weeds while Takeshi and Shinji spearheadmyrevenge plans, I’m going to take advantage of their resources.

“Tora, how many times do I have to kick you out?” Riu’s whisper carries to me in the hall, halting my search.

I follow his conversation with the hell beast that refuses to stay in his owner’s home. They’re in the small office space that, like the rest of the house, is sparsely furnished. By the looks of the room, no one uses the space.


He jumps at my voice, turns guiltily toward me, and bows. “Don’t mind Tora. I’ll take him outside now.”

I grab his arm before he can go after the feline whose penetrating glare makes me uneasy. I don’t speak cat and can’t figure out what the hell he wants. “After you take care of that… animal, I’ll need a car.”

“I can have whatever you need delivered to the house.”

I stare hard at Riu. Neither Takeshi nor Shinji confirmed if I am a glorified prisoner in their home, but I didn’t agree to sitting on my ass all day. How far will Riu go to keep me locked up here?

“I prefer to do my own errands. If this will be a problem, I’ll find my way where I need to go without you.” I refuse to back down on this point.

My determined glare must have worked on Riu because he steps away. I glance at the furry critter that hasn’t taken hiseyes off me since I entered the room. I may not appreciate his presence, but I respect his no-fucks attitude.

“She insists on having a car…unclear… Hai.” Riu’s soft conversation distracts me from the stare-off with Tora.

I should have realized when Riu didn’t approach the cat or immediately leave the room that his priority was to rat me out to his employers. In English. As if I couldn’t figure out the purpose of his furtive Japanese whispers.

Maybe his employers demanded he speak in English around me out of of respect.

I’m not ready to listen to my conscience praising the two men I share a roof with. Riu hands me the phone and I snatch it from him, already over having my movements monitored.

“Where are you going?” Takeshi’s voice is more curious than demanding.

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