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As we stand, so does Lakeshia. She raises her eyes, and her shoulders have a determined symmetry to them.

“Made your decision?” Takeshi asks while pulling me towards the door.

I look back to see her nod and follow in our wake.

Tonight will be epic.

I tamp down the giddy feeling inside, but a smile escapes. Having the two people I need more than air coming together is no small thing.

In our bedroom, Lakeshia moves to take her clothes off.

“Stay as you are.” Takeshi’s stern voice causes me to stop mid-step and Lakeshia to release her shirt’s hem. “Shinji and I are well-versed in what we like, but you are new to both of us. We need to learn how your body reacts, what you like, what makes your heart race.”

“Are you forgetting where we…” She takes a tentative step back as a fierce frown takes over Takeshi’s face then she tilts her chin up and recaptures the distance. “Met? My life didn’t start in the hotel room yesterday and not talking about me being a madam won’t change the fact that I fucked my clients.”

I take her hands in mine and lead her to the bed where we sit facing each other. “We don’t intend to ignore your past. There’s no shame in how you earned your living. What we don’t like is the close comparison to your clients and us. We have a deal, there’s no denying that’s why you’re here with us, but that doesn’t mean you have to openly treat us like johns.”

“I didn’t realize I was doing that. I know better.”

Takeshi stands in front of Lakeshia, caging her in between himself and the bed. She raises vulnerable eyes to him and I resist the urge to envelop her in my arms and coddle her until she gets her spirit back.

“Then let’s agree to pretend there’s no contract hanging over our heads so we can enjoy everything that happens between us to the fullest.” Takeshi pushes her hair behind her ear.

She glances at me and Takeshi again before giving us a stilted nod.

“I need your words,” Takeshi growls.

She stiffens, and her glare hardens. “I agree,” she says, not backing down.

“Good, because there will be consequences for comparing us in the future.” Takeshi’s eyes glitter with suppressed anticipation.

“And those would be?” she demands.

“Something fitting, once we get to know you better. Don’t worry, I won’t cross your boundaries. However, I’ll correct your behavior when it’s warranted.”

“He’ll try.” I grin at the pair as pride swells in my chest. “By the way, I agree to all the above.”

“That makes three. Warubozu, help her undress. Slowly.”

My grin widens. Lakeshia is about to get a dose of Takeshi as the bedroom dictator and I’m curious to see how she challenges him. The truth is, I’ll take Takeshi every which way, but the imp in me wants her to push his buttons.

I rise and help Lakeshia to her feet while staring into her luminescent, sable eyes. My and Takeshi’s happiness and despair hinge on keeping her happy and giving her a reason to love. Takeshi will get on board. His request to ignore the legal document between us is more than enough proof for me he is already on the path to accepting her despite his reservations. Once he does, he’ll be powerless not to claim her.

With Lakeshia’s shirt hem in my hands, I lift the material so it glides gently over her skin, only breaking eye contact once the shirt obstructs our view. I want to see every flicker of emotion and reaction she has and vice versa. In this, I have nothing to hide and I open myself for her to experience all of me. No manipulations. No barriers. Just the beginning of a love I’ve held onto for the years she was on the run; a love that grows deeper with each piece of herself she reveals to me.

I continue to undress her, holding her gaze hostage until she stands before us naked but with her armor firmly in place. Takeshi comes to stand beside me and she switches from me to my husband, her mouth slightly open and her eyes beginning to dilate.

“You may kiss her anywhere but her lips, her nipples, or her pussy.” Takeshi reaches out and tilts her chin. “I want yourwords, Lakeshia. Tell us what you feel, if Shinji’s kisses are too light, heavy, or just right. If my touch engenders a need I’m not fulfilling.”

She nods without blinking and Takeshi frowns at her disobedience. “Okay,” she whispers.


I jump into action but dampen my enthusiasm having realized this slow seduction is Takeshi’s way of weakening Lakeshia’s barriers.

I start at the juncture where her neck and shoulder meet then glide up to the pulse point behind her ear. She inhales sharply and a pounding rhythm beats against my lips. I swipe my tongue against her warming brown skin and blow on the area. A shudder runs through her.

On her other side, Takeshi catches my eyes when he grazes his fingers down her shoulders.

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