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Her cheeks warm and she clears her throat before looking each of us in the eyes. “As long as all you do is watch, I have no problem with providing you that kind of stimulation.”

I grin with relief, but also more curious about her. There is so much to learn about Lakeshia that I’m certain boredom won’t be a thing for us.

“Although we don’t participate in BDSM kinks, there is one practice we will use for you. Shinji and I can get intense.”

“I’ve seen,” Lakeshia says dryly.

“My point is if we become too much for you, we need you to choose a safe word that will tell us you’ve had enough.”

“Although I’m partial to the word stop, I think in this instance I’ll choose, tora.” For a moment, her eyes haze over as if she is reliving a memory.

Her response surprises me. Tora means tiger in Japanese, but I doubt she understands the language. Yesterday she exhibited no signs of comprehending my conversation with Takeshi. The only tora in the vicinity belongs to Katsuo, but she has no reason to know that. I let it go.

“Tora it is.” My husband nods. “Are there any positions you favor?”

On and on Takeshi lobs questions at Lakeshia. My man is thorough but I sense he is just as invested in knowing heranswers as I am. As I listen to all the sexual positions Lakeshia likes, my body begins to respond and an idea grows. It’s crazy and a little cringe, but it might help me and Takeshi get past Lakeshia’s barriers.

“I’d like to propose a competition of sorts as a way to make this process less businesslike.”

Takeshi and Lakeshia focus their attention on me.

“As you know, I want Takeshi and I to have equal opportunity to father this child. To that end, I suggest we have a… sperm race.”

I should have waited until Lakeshia finished drinking because she coughs and sprays water onto the table. I rush to step behind her and pat her on the back to help her breathe. Once she regains her composure, I rub soothing circles on her back, loathe to be apart from her.

“Sorry,” she says, glancing at me with watery eyes. “You took me by surprise.”

“Is that the only reason?” Takeshi asks.

What did I miss?

“Not exactly. I don’t know how to bring this up after my comment about Kori, but…”

I gravitate to massaging her shoulders to loosen the tense muscles under my fingers.

“No need to sugarcoat what you have to say. Shinji will protect you from me.” Although calm, Takeshi’s voice holds a hint of resentment.

I’ll have to give him one-on-one attention because we cannot afford to let bad feelings fester between us. Some jealousy is expected on all our parts, but I will ensure it gets addressed to not destroy our future.

“Shouldn’t we wait until I’m ovulating?”

Takeshi’s pinched lips speak to his irritation, but irritation at what? Having to wait because he wants to get this over with or not being able to claim Lakeshia now?

I run my fingers along her neck below her hair. “We can hold off, but can you? If Takeshi and I aren’t fucking you, we’ll be fucking each other.”

“And this time I won’t allow you to touch either of us,” Takeshi says.

Lakeshia shivers and her breath stutters.

“The decision is yours.” I walk to Takeshi and hold out my hand for him.

Instead of taking it and allowing me to pull him to a standing position, he pulls me onto his lap and kisses me. In the back of my mind, I know this demonstration is more for Lakeshia than me, but I fall into his heat and the residual taste of my favorite miso butter cookies on his tongue.

When he tries to pull away, I grab his neck and press for more. Our connection is so deep that whenever we reconnect after any length of time, my soul stirs and plunges me deeper in love with him.

On the verge of passing out for lack of air, I release my husband. He presses his forehead into mine and we breathe in each other’s breaths as we pant.

“Let’s go to bed,” he says and I eagerly nod my agreement.

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