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I try to calm my thoughts by sitting on the outdoor wicker furniture and waiting for the natural sounds to soothe me.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

I pound the cushion, stillunsoothed. About to give up and return inside, a ten-pound weight lands in my lap, startling a yelp out of me and delaying my intentions to escape inside. I instinctively shove the black ball of fur from my lap. Its dissatisfied shriek identifies it as a cat.

After relaxing its fur, the creature turns unsettling yellow eyes on me. Its disdain is as tangible as a slap across the face. Without another thought, I book it inside. Four-legged creatures are also not my bag. I have enough problems with the two two-legged ones wanting to do a hostile takeover of my womb.

The doorbell rings as soon as I enter the house. Riu, the head guard Takeshi introduced me to this morning says, “It’s for you. A courier from the lab.”

“That was fast,” I reply.

Has fate sided with the Kimuras? With so many years of indulging in carnal pleasures, relying on my body’s lack of discipline is not an option. But is it too much to ask for a little more time before the I-want-to-sex-you-up duo makes good on their word?

I open the door and retrieve the envelope with my health results. The cheek swab and blood and urine tests are an annual routine for me, but I guess I haven’t been doing it right all these years. Takeshi insisted I get a physical exam and have cell samples from my vagina analyzed as well.

If I thought to delay him, he taught me differently. He had a lab technician waiting outside the hotel room ready to collect all the data he needed.

Takeshi is thorough as hell. Did submitting to his demands buy me time before I’ll have to ride the saddle? No, according to the test results staring me in the face. If only I’d remembered the level of wealth Takeshi and Shinji deal with isn’t bound by time.

Oh, well.

I read the results, proving my suspicions correct. My pussy may cause fevers but the high temperatures aren’t from diseases. A spark of hope warms my chest.Ican buy myself time.

Since I have the letter, I can hold off on sharing the results.

Riu’s phone dings and he hands it to me with a slight flush to his cheeks. On the screen is a message from Takeshi.

I have your results. Prepare yourself for us tonight.

I now understand my guard’s pink tinge because Takeshi’s words have ignited a furnace inside me and opened the floodgates to my pussy. The way he handled Shinji last night pushed me to stop marinating in my jealous isolation and join in. Being part of their pleasure tantalizes and scares me. I don’t know which emotion threatens me more but desire leads the race.

Another ding draws my eyes to Riu’s phone screen once more.

Heard the good news. Tonight, swallowing won’t be an option for you.Shinji follows up his naughty message with a slew of emojis. A smiling devil, a water splash, and a cat between two eggplants.

I would find his antics funny if not for…

There goes my plan to stall them and hold out as long as possible.

I return Riu’s phone to him. Since getting sick at the airport, I haven’t gotten a new burner and the SIM card for my current phone is in some landfill on Oahu.

I don’t get too much time to dwell on what will happen tonight. The doorbell rings again and I look to Riu for direction.

“Also for you. The moving company with your things.”

The rest of the day is much busier than the first half. When will I realize that Takeshi doesn’t talk to hear himself speak? He had everything delivered except the garbage I left behind. Spices, napkins, even the leftover plastic bags I’d never reused despite my best intentions, sit patiently waiting to be re-homed.

As I survey the never-ending line of boxes coming through the door, an unacknowledged truth holds me hostage. While in Hawaii, I had accumulated more things than I thought because I’d gotten complacent until Tommaso’s men found me and reminded me of what I had to lose.

All my furniture goes into a room off the study. Like the rest of the house, the furnishings are sparse but Shinji and Takeshi have decorated the space for maximum utility and comfort.

Not anymore.

I shrug the thought away. Packing my old apartment up and moving all the stuff here was not my idea. Neither was having the homeowners be anywhere but here to decide where thingsbelonged. If Takeshi has a problem, he can move the furniture himself. Shinji doesn’t seem the type to care.

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