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Because wewillready her and I will revel in her wetness.




Katsuo is already half a mile from the house on his morning run when I arrive. Shinji drops me off and heads to the house to help the kids get ready for school.

He is so transparent.

I join my cousin, glad I stretched before arriving. The run will do me good after my morning with temptation.

The air battles the rising sun for the last drop of coolness before dewdrops evaporate from the lawn surrounding our path. Our steps thud against the paved driveway and my body begins to warm. Although we are on private property, I study my surroundings. Protecting Katsuo is not just a job for me. He’s earned my devotion and loyalty since we were kids.

“Did you meet with success?” Katsuo asks without glancing in my direction.

“Somewhat. I had to strong-arm her into accepting protection, but she has a price.”


“Revenge against a family in Florida.”

Katsuo stops to jog in place and faces me with a frown. “Did you agree to this price?”

“Shinji did.”

“Cousin, when will you put your foot down with him? If you continue to spoil him this way, there’s no telling what trouble he’ll get us into.”

“I’ll stop when you do. Just because you pick a fight with Portia while you’re indulging her doesn’t negate the fact that you give her everything she asks for.”

Katsuo glares at me from the corner of his eye and resumes his run. “What kind of power does this family have?”

“Uncertain. I’m letting you know in case we find they’re connected to the Oliveris.”


“If you don’t sanction our actions, we’ll go off on our own to get it done so no blowback comes on you if Gio Oliveri has a problem. Ever since Portia reconnected with her sister, Jessie, he isn’t just another associate.”

“Why would you go to war for this woman? She’s a stranger. Is she worth destroying our lucrative partnership?”

“She may not be but Shinji is,” I say, ignoring the impulse to defend Lakeshia.

Everything Katsuo says is true. She is a stranger who I have an unhealthy attraction to. One that pulls me in directions I don’t like. Yet, I can’t help but recall her life until now. I know she’s hiding more than what she’s told us. A life of hardship and pain I’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of, but her secrets won’t make me any less committed to paving a more peaceful future for her.

Committed? I guess I am. Fuck!

“I won’t allow you to sacrifice yourself for the organization. Not in this matter. We’ll handle the Oliveris should they prove to be a problem. All our resources are available to you.”


“Cousin,” he corrects me. “This is a family matter. Gio’s opinion has no bearing on us. The Kimura and Oliveri alliance through my marriage to my wife will never change our relationship.” He allows me to sit with his decree for a few seconds before patting my shoulder. “I look forward to meeting my new cousin.”

Instead of Shinji-level excitement, I give Katsuo nothing but a change of topic. “Have you spoken to Masanori in the last couple of days?”

A beat of silence passes between us broken by our breaths and the morning birds chirping.

“Is there something I should know that he hasn’t told me?”

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