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To distract myself, I ask, “What does Takeshi do for fun?”

“Shinji,” Takeshi’s voice spears heat through me from behind.

“How long have you been here?” Shinji asks without releasing me.

“Long enough.”

I stretch my neck to watch Takeshi’s silhouette through the curtains as he strolls to the bottom of the bed. The fabric provides no protection from his intent glare.

“Shinji, I made you a promise this morning. Do you still want me to fulfill it?”

Shinji shakily inhales and he instinctively clutches me tighter.

His dick lengthens and digs into my back.

“I thought so.” Takeshi removes his clothes in a slow tease enhanced by the curtain’s sheer barrier.

I lick my lips, wanting an unobstructed view of the other man I’m expected to fuck. He slides through the curtains and kneels on the bed.

Takeshi does not disappoint. His chest is broader than Shinji’s but his body is just as well designed. Every muscle screams he’s a lethal weapon to libidos and lives. And right now, my desire is skyrocketing into another stratosphere.

Oh, Lord! Takeshi’s dick…aggressively points towards me and Shinji. I swallow, wishing I could lick the bead of pre-cum dripping from his tip. If all we had going between the three of us was sex, I would enjoy every hedonistic pleasure their bodies promised. But that is not my reality.

“Um…I thought we were going to wait until my results come back,” I say, trying to be the voice of reason.

Takeshi’s mouth tilts in a smirk while he stares pointedly behind me. “Nothing and no one can stop me from fucking my husband. Consider this you getting used to us. Come here, warubozu.”

I’m about to get a first-row seat at a life-changing experience. Shinji warned me when I protested the clause stipulating I sleep with them every night. Yet with my extensive knowledge about the human body and desire, I’m not ready.

Without hesitation, Shinji releases me and crawls to Takeshi. I try not to let his swift detraction get to me. I’m not jealous. I have no reason to be because Shinji and Takeshi are a long-established couple. I’m a blip in their lives, one they’ll forget until I’m needed.

Takeshi cups Shinji’s face while his thumb rubs circles on his bottom lip. “Did you taste her while you were alone together?”

“No Keishi-kun.”

“Hmm. Maybe next time.”

My body clenches at the reminder of Takeshi’s reaction the last time Shinji kissed me.

“And next time, I’ll get to taste her on you,” Shinji breathlessly says.

Takeshi’s nostrils flare and his jaw clenches. I’m not doing much better and no one is touching me. I’m not used to being on the receiving end of teasing like this. It will blur lines I need to remain solid and pitch black.

They kiss and I watch as Shinji melts in submission. His body folds into Takeshi’s. My clit pulses in response to the visual stimuli creating a huge conflict inside me. Do I want to make Shinji yield to me? Or do I want Takeshi to make me succumb to his mastery?

When they separate, Takeshi presses against Shinji’s shoulders. “Get me ready.”

Shinji follows the motion with a smile on his face and his hand already outstretched to Takeshi’s dick. He takes Takeshi in hand and swipes the pre-cum from his tip.

When Shinji brings his wet thumb to his lips, Takeshi stalls him. “Don’t. Let her taste.” He nods in my direction.

With both of their attention on me, I realize my mouth has been hanging open as if I were anticipating the first savory drop of Takeshi on my tongue. I snap my mouth closed. “No need,” a hoarse whisper comes out instead of the confident tone I want.

Shinji ignores me and presses his finger toward me while Takeshi moves to the head of the bed. As soon as Shinji’s skin touches my lip, I lick and hum as Takeshi’s essence explodes on my tongue. The first swipe of my tongue had been from instinct but I have no excuse for the second, or when I engulf Shinji’s entire finger and suck.

All thought of remaining distant while these men pleasure each other flies out the door. I’ve been on a slow simmer since my dream this morning and all the pent-up desires race through me like a brush fire.

“Shinji, to me.” Takeshi rests against the headboard with an arm resting on his upraised knee. In his hand is a bottle of lube.

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