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“I’ll sign them away,” Lakeshia volunteers.

“That’s not on the table.” Shinji takes her hand in his and kisses the back in apology. “At least not for our baby’s first five years.”

Her racing thoughts fill the ensuing silence with tension. To end more objections, I say, “She’s the mother. End of discussion. Make sure to add that clause in the contract.”

Her shoulders bristle, but no protest issues from her mouth. All too soon, her body relaxes into her chair. Both Shinji and I peer at her, trying to understand the change in her demeanor, but she isn’t giving us any clues.

As we discuss the changes, Masanori types up the adjustments from his phone and prints the copies for us to sign.

“By the way,” he says, “If you think using a fake name will get you out of this, think again. The law is my profession, but I’m first and foremost a Kimura who stands with Takeshi. You breach this contract, forget trying to hide from him. You won’t be able to hide from me.”

Lakeshia grabs the pen he offers her with a glare and signs.

Shinji and I glance at the signatory page but can’t decipher the name she printed on the document, driving my curiosity about her higher. Not that I need much reason to be intrigued by her. Too many questions surround her identity for my liking.

With our agreement solidified in a contract, the slight tension Shinji has carried all this time evaporates. If I didn’t know him as well as I do, I would have missed the sign of his relief. However, the contract is only the beginning of our road to fatherhood. Lakeshia represents too many unknowns for me to breathe easy.

On our way out, Masanori says, “Another thing, Lakeshia. Don’t offer Kori any tips or tricks from your trade. She doesn’t need them.”

As we leave the house with more food than was on our plates, I can’t help but wonder if my cousin’s demand is his way of protecting Kori or himself.



Anticipation for our future fills my body as we enter the house I share with Takeshi. The same place Lakeshia, or whatever name she goes by, will eventually call her forever home. Lakeshia, my husband, and our children will fill this place with life.

I have yet to bring Takeshi on board with all my plans, and Lakeshia will be hard to convince. Despite the challenges ahead, I’m confident she will be powerless against my and Takeshi’s charms. We’re fucking lovable and she needs the loving we can provide.

As I observe her taking in her new surroundings while Takeshi takes her in, I stomp out the high-squealed pitch of my conscience. I’m technically lying to my husband and the woman I want to be our wife because I don’t care about the terms in the contract we signed at Masanori’s office.

I’m not letting her go.


When I first found her in New Jersey, her name was Wynette McClain. The attraction I felt for her felt wrong at first. It felt like cheating on Takeshi. We weren’t married but I knew I would say yes when he asked me. Circumstances pushed me to do the asking, but the important thing is, I knew then Takeshi would always be the only man for me.

Now I have a chance of getting the only woman for me. And although Takeshi is fighting it, Lakeshia is the only woman for him, too. The information I found out about her five years ago and since has convinced me I’m right.

“This place rivals those of my best clients,” Lakeshia says as she wanders around the first floor in slippered feet.

I suppress the urge to point out Takeshi and I are not her clients. What we will have has no monetary equivalent, nor will our relationship be as transactional or temporary as those who’ve gone before us.

Takeshi and I live on the Kimura compound. Our land neighbors Katsuo’s and Masanori’s. Proximity makes our lives easier for guarding the boss and his saiko komon. The size of our house suits the size of the estate, unlike the modest home Katsuo lives in with his family. Takeshi and I agreed that we weren’t the type of couple to have a stamp-size house on a huge plot of land, even if most of the house goes unused. The square footage of our place rivals Katsuo’s empty mansion.

As Lakeshia marvels at the ash wood floors, the sparse Japanese-inspired furnishings, and the open floor plan, I can already see her pregnant with our child. I can barely restrain the urge to rush her to the bedroom and acquaint her with her new role in our lives.

Takeshi’s arm snakes around my waist, and I melt into him. It’s a habit, done from muscle memory, but no less satisfying when his heat seeps into my spine. My husband spoils me, treating me like the prize in our relationship. The truth is, he’sthe prize. He’s the man who made me believe in family again and few gifts can surpass the hope he inspires in me.

“Now that we’ve handled the legalities of our situation, it’s time we discuss your other situation,” Takeshi says.

Lakeshia’s body freezes then unclenches, the action almost imperceptible. I don’t need to ask Takeshi if he saw because he misses nothing.

I detach myself and lead my husband and future lover into the living room. When Lakeshia sits across from us, I have to squash the protest on the tip of my tongue and remind myself to go slow with her. Wanting to wrap my arms around her while Takeshi holds me is a desire I will eventually achieve.

Until then, I’ll allow some distance between us. The reminder, although necessary, does nothing to fill the gap only her presence can fill.

“What do you want to know?” she asks.

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