Page 124 of Escorting the Yakuza

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Shinji, Angel, and I share a glance before entering.

My grandfather sits on a mat on the floor in front of his irori fireplace. Three other mats circle the sunken area.

He’s in a special mood. Akihiko has a modern fireplace in the room. His choice of a more traditional one serves as a reminder to me to not forget where I’m from. To further reinforce his point without saying a word, he’s wearing a hanten over his yukata rather than wearing his Western-inspired clothing.

I hand him the gifts we brought with a deep bow. Shinji and Angel follow suit before I seat her on the mat beside my grandfather. I sit on his other side and Shinji sits opposite Akihiko.

Grandfather empties the bags to unbox the gifts. While he opens box after box of California produce like almonds, artichokes, peaches, olives, and walnuts, Yuichi carries a tray of tea and snacks.

Akihiko moves on to the wines from Napa and Sonoma, ignoring the cup Yuichi pours for him. While steam wafts from our cups, Shinji and I wait. Angel reaches for her cup, but I shake my head and she retracts her hands.

Grandfather has yet to acknowledge my husband and Angel, but when he gets to a specific gift, I’m sure he’ll cease his act. Once he has one last box to open, he peers at me with suspicion. I clear my face, neither rushing him nor offering to delay him. He opens the box with more ceremony than necessary. A layer of tissue paper remains. When he removes the decorative filling, he freezes.

Three. Two. One.

“Explain yourself.” Akihiko tightly controls his voice.

I nod to Angel and introduce her. “Shinji and I have taken a wife. In four months, you can expect to add two more great-grandchildren to the family.”

Akihiko gently lifts the T-shirt from the box. The gift is a bit of a joke Katsuo began because before meeting Portia’s kids, specifically Serafina, our grandfather would never be caught dead in a t-shirt. He prefers custom suits and traditional Japanese attire. However, he’ll proudly model clothing labeling him as a great-grandfather.

He rises from his mat and disappears for a few moments. He returns wearing the shirt, puffing his chest out to make the message,Great grandpas were made for twins,more visible. He resumes his seat and takes his first sip of tea.

Shinji and I follow with alacrity, and Angel senses it’s now time to drink.

Akihiko stares at Angel. “If you were going to get a wife, I had one chosen for you.”

“I doubt she or her family would accept my husband as part of the deal.”

“So your relationship isn’t legal.” Although he doesn’t slam the cup, the precise snick as it hits the border of the irori is aggressive enough to be slammed. “Do you not value yourself?” He directs his question to Angel. “Wives play an important role in our organization.”

“With all due respect, you operate outside the law, why does it matter if a government entity signs off on my relationship? They aren’t more important than I am when determining Shinji and Takeshi’s importance in my life. We’re married in each other’s hearts, and at the end of my day, we’ll still be married.”

“Hmph.” Grandfather raises his cup for another sip. “The woman I chose for Takeshi comes from a family with the kind of influence to advance Kimura’s interests. What do you come with?”


“It’s okay, Takeshi.” Angel smiles at my grandfather. “How about state and federal senators? Governors? Police chiefs? Diplomats? Is that enough influence for me to be worthy of your grandson?”

The years Angel ran her brothels allowed her to gather incriminating information powerful men would exchange favors to keep secret. Now that she doesn’t have to cash her chips in for her revenge against Paul and Tomasso, our Kimura organization will benefit from her hard work.

Akihiko leans back and folds his arms, contemplating her in the silence rife with judgment. “You’ll do.” He lasers in on Shinji. “And you!”

My husband squares his shoulders but keeps his eyes lowered.

“I told you to loosen Takeshi up. Don’t you think you did a little too good of a job? Do you hear the way he talks to me now?”

Shinji grins and relaxes. “Obayan, I’m only living up to your high standards. Your grandsons can only marry the best, even if you didn’t have a hand in choosing the finest.”

Akihiko shakes his head. Although his lips are thin, the sparkle in his eyes is undeniable. “At least I have Masanori. On his next trip?—”

Shinji looks up at the ceiling at grandfather’s mention of my cousin, and Angel chokes on her tea and begins coughing.

“Who is she?” Akihiko demands.

I glare at my spouses. “He hasn’t made a move, so technically there’s no one.”

“But he’s identified her?”

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