Page 120 of Escorting the Yakuza

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We follow D’Angelo’s casket inside for the somber entombment. Floral arrangements line the path as we walk further inside. Once the director leaves, Lakeshia kneels in front of her father’s crypt and traces the epitaph.

“Daddy, It’s Haven or should I say Angel.” Lakeshia huffs a broken laugh. “I guess I should go by the name you and Mom gave me now since I finally did it. I a-avenged you.” Tears thicken Lakeshia’s voice and she sniffs. “I’m sorry it took so long, longer than I wanted, but I got Tomasso in the end. I didn’t do it alone, though.” She beckons Takeshi and me forward. “I want you to meet my husbands. You didn’t mishear me, I said husbands. They aren’t the most aboveboard, but I think you’d like them. After all, how can a father deny his daughter the kind of love that protects and shelters her? They build me up when I’m weak, remind me of my strengths when I’m on the verge of giving up, and jump up to be my superhero when the world thinks they’re supervillains.” She breaks into loud sobbing, and Takeshi kneels beside her to enclose her in his arms.

I clear my throat of the emotion stuck there. Despite knowing my wife loves me, she always humbles me when she describes the depth of her feelings. I can do no less in front of my father-in-law. Beside my wife, I get on my knees. “It’s an honor to officially meet you, Mr. Wilson, though I wish it could beunder better circumstances. I’m Shinji Nakashima and I’d like to thank you for creating the precious life of the woman who’s accepted my heart and devotion and given me hers in return. Rest assured, your daughter’s life and happiness mean more to me than my own. And I promise I’ll help her find the joy in life as we build our future while never forgetting your influence.”

Lakeshia swings out of Takeshi’s embrace to wrap her arms around my neck. Her tears soak my collar as I hug her in commiserating silence.

“Mr. Wilson, I’m your daughter’s second husband, Takeshi Kimura. I’d like to echo Shinji’s sentiments and add a welcome to my family. You see, in a few months we’re expanding, and we’ll make sure your grandkids know who you are and what you mean to us.” Takeshi rests flowers before the crypt. “Also, you may have noticed, there’s a space beside you. At the moment, through no fault of your own, you’re separated from your wife, but I promise you I’ll find her and inter her beside you. Your family should be together because if you feel half of what I do for your daughter, which I think you do, your afterlife won’t be peaceful until you’re resting beside the love of your life.”


He takes her hand and kisses her palm. “You deserve to have all your family close where you can visit to your heart’s content. And as much as I understand the sentiment, a blanket can’t compare to having your mother and father nearby, where you can visit and talk to them whenever you want.”

Lakeshia grabs our hands and turns back to her father’s tomb. “See, Daddy? You won’t have anything to worry about. Your sweetheart is finally doing fine.”



“This will be cold.” Dr. Williams, my new OB courtesy of Takeshi, warns me before squirting gel on my stomach.

The exam room feels more welcoming than my last appointment. What a difference having a support system will do. Although this is my second ultrasound, it’s the first with my husbands by my side. Unlike the last time, I want to see what’s on the screen. Before, I avoided getting attached by not looking at the screen, instead telling the doctor to locate my implant and get it out.

Of course, I lied to myself. I’d already formed a bond with my child but didn’t want to acknowledge the connection when I was terrified of losing the little one.

Now, although the fear is a constant companion, it’s a whisper rather than a roar. And with two men at my side who are willing to do everything in their power to ensure my survival, I don’t dwell on the negative.

I flinch as the probe connects with my belly. Takeshi and Shinji grasp my hands while we stare at the blackscreen. Suddenly, an image appears and my husbands flinch, instinctively squeezing my hands. A grainy picture appears but a tiny fetus doesn’t show.

My breathing shortens and every doubt resurfaces.

“Hmm.” Dr. Williams slides the probe around.

I turn panic-stricken eyes to my husbands who stare stonily at the doctor.

“Ah, here we are,” she says as a picture crystallizes on the screen.

My muscles relax and so do the matching glares on Shinji and Takeshi’s faces. We stare in awe at our baby.

“Is the baby okay?” I ask.

She smiles and the crazy beating in my chest settles to a more sedate rhythm.

“Yes, baby’s heartbeat is strong and I’m happy with their progress. Do you want to know the sex?”

“No,” all three of us say at the same time.

I giggle at our synchronicity. “The most important thing for us to know is the baby is healthy.”

Takeshi lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles. As my husbands and I marvel at the good news, Dr. Williams continues to move the probe around my stomach.

“Is there something else you’re looking for?” Shinji asks.

“I like to rule out potential issues such as fibroids. Black women like us are prone to have them and they could cause intense pain and complications during pregnancy and up to childbirth.” She slides the probe to the other side of my belly. “Well, this is unexpected.”

We return our attention to the monitor, more worried there’s a problem.

“You said you conceived although you had an implant?” she asks a note of disbelief in her voice.

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