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Masanori glares at me for a few seconds before staring at Lakeshia. It’s the first time he’s given her more than a cursory glance. “She’s the reason you had me draw up that ludicrous contract?”

“Oh, good, I’m not the only sane person here. You think the contract is bullshit, too.” Lakeshia digs into the shoyu chicken stewed with chayote and the oxtail fried rice. Her eyes droop as she gets her first hit of the flavors Kori expertly melds together.

Then a moan like the ones she issued while getting herself off in the hotel room earlier releases from her throat and both mine and everyone’s forks clatter to our plates. Our gazes lock onto her and I know a fire burns in mine. My entire body is ablaze.

“This is so good.” Lakeshia ignores the stares glued onto her next move.

Never have I ever envied a fork in my life, but I would pay to be the tines she wraps her thick licks around. She slides the metal across her flesh and it takes everything in me not to groan. It takes me a few seconds for Masanori’s unwavering attention to sink in.

“Eyes elsewhere, asshole?” I growl in Japanese so only he hears.

A flush appears on his cheeks before he glances away.

“Thank you,” Kori’s breathless response shows she’s as affected as the rest of us. “Um… anyone else needs water?” She grabs the pitcher of ice water and pours herself a glass.

Lakeshia gives her a sheepish glance. “Sorry, I can dial it down. I forgot where I was for a second.” With a tilt of her head and a crease puckering her forehead, she asks, “Wait, are you…”

“I didn’t think I was, but I might start questioning my choices.”

“No, I won’t allow it.” Masanori’s nostrils flare as he pins Kori with the most infuriated glare I’ve ever seen him wear. “You are the same as you were before she arrived.”

Kori’s eyes widen at my cousin’s uncharacteristic outburst before returning her attention to Lakeshia. “So, this is something you can turn on and off like a light switch?”

The edges of Lakeshia’s lips twist in a smile, barely holding back a laugh. “I wouldn’t say it works that way so much as I can adjust the wattage if you get my meaning.”

“Oh… So not everyone can do it.” Kori’s shoulders slump, and she stares at her plate while Lakeshia studies her.

“No, not everyone can, but I think you could.”

Kori’s head pops up and hope shines through her gleaming eyes. “Really?”

I take a second look at Kori. Her warm chestnut complexion matches her sunny disposition, but Masanori’s presence seems to always dampen her natural shine and the dimple in her right cheek disappears. When I recall other mealtimes without my cousin’s stifling presence, I have to admit Kori has Helen of Troy attributes. From her cat eyes to her button nose and wide lips, her face card doesn’t miss.


Before Lakeshia fully responds, my cousin interrupts, “This is ridiculous. She doesn’t need to learn anything you’ve got to teach her.” Masanori rises and throws his napkin beside his plate. “Let’s get the reason for your visit over with. Kori, wrap their food up to go. They aren’t staying to eat.” With his last word, he storms toward Portia’s home office, leaving us staring in shock at his retreating spine.


Shinji pulls Lakeshia’s chair from the table and everyone except Kori follows my cousin out, leaving the little chef to eat alone.

As I step into Portia’s office, Masonori snaps, “You have changes I need to look over?”

“Is Nori-kun upset we crashed his lunch with the amazing Kori?” Shinji retrieves the legal papers with a devilish grin on his face.

My cousin glares at me. “Handle him before I do.”

Masanori, much like the rest of the Kimuras, doesn’t make threats. He’s lethal, almost as brutal as Katsuo, yet I still hold my own against him during our sparring matches.

“You know shit doesn’t work that way.” I pull up two chairs and direct my husband and Lakeshia to sit. “Lakeshia has some requests we’d like included in the agreement.”

Masanori sneers. “You should forget about the whole goddamn mess.”

“Here-here.” As Lakeshia stands, I clamp my hand on her shoulder and press her back onto the seat.

“We aren’t arguing about this.” Each word comes from the darkness inside me.

“And why not? You won’t make her sign her rights away, something I strenuously object to by the way.”

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