Page 117 of Escorting the Yakuza

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Today, I’ll be the consequences they owe. With interest.

“Can I do this part? I’m feeling very spicy today.”

My husband grants me an indulgent smile and settles deeper into the chair. “Of course, chiisai senshi no megami.”

I turn to the men who spare me one glance then dismiss me.

“In about five seconds, you’re going to receive a call from your wives. I suggest you answer your phones.”

As soon as I finish speaking, their cells ring. The men share a glance before pulling their devices from their pockets. Their eyes widen when they glance at their screens, then disband in different corners.

I count down in my head the seconds it takes for them to return clutching their phones.

“What do you want?” Clay says as the spokesperson of his group. He clenches his smooth-shaven jaw.

The other men have varying degrees of angry frowns while holding their silence.

I answer in a super saccharine voice. “Take a trip with us, and we’ll release your families once we reach our destination. And as long as you don’t make a scene, your wife and kids will be fine.”

“How can you expect us to trust you?” The blonde steps forward in an aggressive motion.

Our guards stand, their collective presence more intimidating than the man trying to tower over me.

“You’ll have to step out on faith. You know about faith don’t you?” Takeshi asks. “You are solid members of your religious community. Trust in our good intentions.”

“We don’t have a choice.” The third man, a stocky redhead who’s allowed his friends to speak for him until now, pats the blonde on his shoulder.

“You must be the voice of reason for your group.” Takeshi smiles, but even I think his exposed teeth look more predatory than reassuring. “Keep up the good work. Now if you don’t mind…”

As my husband trails off, I stand and head toward the door with Takeshi following close behind me.

Without sparing the men a glance, I lead the trail of men with Takeshi by my side. I can practically hear them gnashing their teeth as they pretend everything is normal.

The return trip to the airport and flight to Serenidad fly by. The men exchange nervous glances as we disembark.

“When will we receive confirmation our families are safe?” Clay, again acting as the group’s spokesperson, demands.

He and his friends peek at the guards flanking them.

“When we get to our destination, as my wife told you.” Takeshi takes his phone and texts Shinji to meet us at our pre-planned location.

Shinji responds with an affirmative but doesn’t inquire why.

As the landscape changes and becomes less affluent, I try to hide my giddiness. My knee bounces and Takeshi places acalming hand on me. I shrug with an anticipatory grin, my mind filled with images of the gift we’re about to present to our husband.

Clay asks, “Can you at least tell us what’s the purpose of this trip?”

“Accountability,” I say as we pull up to a familiar building.

Wary lines bracket their eyes and their mouth flatten with dissatisfaction.

True to our word, Takeshi sends a text and the men’s wives call informing them the big, scary Asian men have left.

Emboldened, the fourth man who has been silent during our entire interaction steps forward. “Now listen?—”

“Slow your roll, weak sauce. Your family is safe for now. Your next moves will determine if they continue to be. It’s laughable the ease with which our men got to them. Now, if you don’t mind.” Takeshi holds out his hand toward the entrance.

The men grit their teeth, holding back their anger and leashing the violent response they’ve probably dreamed of unleashing on us during the entire trip.

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