Page 115 of Escorting the Yakuza

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Before leaving them, I grip Shinji’s face between my two hands and wait for him to meet my gaze. “I’m the last person to criticize you for holding this in all these years, but now that you’ve spoken your truth, I won’t let you carry this burden alone.”

He breathes in a shaky breath, and I press my lips against his open mouth. Now’s also not the time to linger so I head to our bathroom to fulfill my duties.

When steam fogs the mirrors and the scent of eucalyptus and pine fills the air, Lakeshia leads Shinji into the bathroom. They stop before the tub and our wife begins to disrobe Shinji. With each article of clothes she removes, she kisses his bare skin and whispers praise. The kisses are innocent, yet the intimacy of the act is rife with sensuality.

I hold out my hand, glad when he accepts the gesture, and I lead him into the tub. He rests his head against the lip and closes his eyes while Lakeshia and I bathe him and wash his hair. I kiss his forehead, his closed lids, and his nose. His lips remain untouched because the second before closing the gap, he grabs me and Lakeshia and buries his face in my neck. Violent shudders rack his body while he saturates my shirt with tears.

In all our years together, I can count on one hand how many times Shinji was reduced to crying. I was always the cause, and I could always patch him back together. Now that his mother has resurfaced, I don’t know if I can undo the years of harm she’s done. However, doing nothing is not an option.

Shinji is always the first in line to defend. He thinks I’m the strong one, but I’ve always known he epitomizes true strength with his flexibility, his joy, and his willingness to stand in front of any danger, especially when the danger is me.

Lakeshia and I hold him while he pours out his pain.

“Don’t hold it in,” she whispers. “Let it all out. And when the pressure builds up again, we’ll be here for you to let it out again. However, often, however long.”

I don’t know how long we stay huddled by the tub, but time is meaningless in the face of Shinji’s mourning.

The water chills and Shinji’s skin begins to wrinkle, but his sobs soften. I kiss his ear and readjust his hold.

“Get the towel.” I point Lakeshia toward the pile of linens I placed by the tub.

Once she returns, I lift Shinji and allow her to dry him off before entering the bedroom. I place him in the center of the bed and we join him on either side.

As shadows crawl up the walls, he breaks his silence to share the joyful childhood memories of his brother. At first, he stumbles over them, but with each addition he grows more confident in his retelling, even allowing himself to smile over the pranks they played on each other and their family.

We lie there, in bed, listening to him heal a part of his soul by reliving the good days with his twin. With his voice hoarse from hours of speaking, he slurs his speech until he finally falls asleep. I kiss his temple and leave the bed.

Downstairs, the quiet does nothing to soothe the rage inside me. I turn on the computer and begin my search. A glass thuds next to my arm.

“What have you found and when do we leave?” Lakeshia asks.

I rub my eyes and sip from the glass of water. “One lead. The name of the fraternity the school protected. Seems they’ve covered up a lot of scandals for that fraternity over the years.”

“Okay, so we dig until we discover who the members were that year. Then we get Shinji the closure you both gave me.” Lakeshia takes my glass and drains the rest of my water, her gaze never wavering from the screen.



Neighborhood children laugh as they ride their bikes and play in their front yards. Mower engines from landscape specialists add to the cacophony of sounds in this upper middle-class neighborhood.

I stand before a four-story home, assured by my intel my quarry is inside. I stroll up the walkway, sparing the manicured lawn and flowerbeds a cursory glance. I’m not here to admire the homeowner’s horticultural taste.

Before I arrive at the door, it swings open, and the woman I’ve been fantasizing about visiting bodily harm on steps outside with the same niece from the store.

“May I help you?” The young woman says.

“You can’t but she can.” I point to Aya barely leashing my rage.

My attempt must have failed because the younger woman whose name I remember now is Hikaru, stands as a shield before her aunt. She looks around, gaging how close help is if she calls out.

“I’m Shinji’s wife.”

Both women’s eyes pop open but for different reasons.

“Oh, then you must be why he was shopping for baby gear.” Hikaru smiles. “How far along are you?”

“I’m still in the first trimester of a risky pregnancy.” I turn to Aya. “So I won’t ask you to forgive me when I say your aunt is a piece of shit to wish death upon my child. They’re already facing obstacles no baby should.Imight die trying to bring their life into this world, and you dared to fix your mouth to curse my baby? You’re worse than shit.”

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