Page 110 of Escorting the Yakuza

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Takeshi hurls the cleaver across the room, embedding it in the wall. From his back pocket, he extracts a smaller, thinner blade. “Now, this next one isn’t a question, because I heard you talk your shit while you held my wife prisoner. These are the lips you used to deceive my wife into trusting you.”

Paul, who hasn’t stopped bawling, twists his face to avoid Takeshi’s grip. But my husband proves more agile. He pinches Paul’s mouth and slices from one end to the other, severing Paul’s lips and throwing them to the ground.

“No fair. Since you got his mouth, I should take the tongue that violated Lakeshia.” Shinji pulls the organ through Paul’s bloody opening and takes Takeshi’s blade to remove the appendage.

Takeshi sighs and shakes his head amid Paul’s gurgling. “You know, your eyes offend me.”

Before my husband gouges out Paul’s eyeballs, I bang on the glass.

He and Shinji frown at me. Me! As if I’m interrupting their fun, which I probably am. But if I’m going to get my piece of flesh, I have to act now. I glare at them and point toward the door.

They clear their faces and direct matching sheepish grins my way.

“Open the door. I’m ready.”

Shinji nods and rushes to let me in.

Paul’s teary gaze lands on me. His face is a grotesque mask, but one many times less frightening than the original that has lived in my nightmares.

“If you take out his eyes, he won’t see me take what I’m owed,” I say without turning from my boogeyman.

“She’s right.” Shinji stands beside me to study Paul. “We always have his nose. I’m sure he savored your scent when he smelled you. You do always smell amazing after all.” Shinji smiles at me.

Paul shakes his head. Without a tongue, only garbled noise emits from his mouth.

Takeshi walks behind him and pushes his head forward. A river of blood pours down his chest.

“Don’t want you choking on your blood too soon.” After showing him a second’s worth of mercy, Takeshi squeezes Paul’s nostrils. “I’m not certain he didn’t also touch you with his nose. You know how I love to rub mine against your soft skin. He takes me as a guy who would do it to remember you couldn’t stop him if you had a choice.”

“If you get his nose, then I?—”

“I’m going to end your pissing contest right now and remind you why we’re here.” I fold my arms and glare at my husbands.

Takeshi has the temerity to return my stare heat for heat. “We’ll leave you something. There’s no reason to take this from us. You didn’t see the way we found you. Do you know how powerless it made us? All we want is to reclaim some of what he took.”

“Fine! If Takeshi takes his nose, Shinji gets his ears. Both of them,” I say when Takeshi opens his mouth to object. “You got two lips, he gets two ears.”

Shinji bows his head to whisper in my ear. “Have I told you you’re my favorite wife?”

I elbow him in the stomach and fight to contain the grin trying to escape and plaster myself in goofiness.

When my husbands finish removing their trophies, I take Takeshi’s knife and hold it against Paul’s chest. “You once told me you loved me with all your heart but your heart is black and filled with lies.” The words spill from my lips, though I don’t know why.

Paul can no longer hear me, but the abject horror in his eyes as I sink the blade into his chest and deep into his heart soothes a part of my soul I never thought I’d get the chance to reclaim.

With the last of Paul’s blood pumping out of his body, I leap into Shinji’s arms and pepper his face with kisses. “Thank you. Thank you.” I scrape my fingers against the fuzzy new-growth on his scalp and he shudders in my arms. His open and honest reaction to my touch always boosts my ego, especially after the last months of the Giametti’s overshadowing every good thing in my life.

My body flies back and spins into Takeshi’s arms. “You may thank me now,” he says while wearing a disgruntled frown.

I grin and lean forward. The blood covering him doesn’t deter me. He looks hotter because of who the blood belongs to.

Takeshi takes issue with how quickly I fulfill his demand. He grabs my throat and slams his mouth against mine, nipping my lip until I grant him entry. He licks and teases, always leaving me hungry and guessing how deep or soft or greedy his next stroke will be.

He releases the pressure on my neck and presses his forehead into mine. His panting breaths feather my face. “That will do until we get you home.”



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