Page 100 of Escorting the Yakuza

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“What gives you the impression they were caught?”

I toss my phone at Riu, unable to force myself to look at the photo. “Show him.”

Katsuo’s lips thin.

“I also spoke to Paul before coming here.”

Without another word, he charges in front of me toward his office, and Riu and I follow with the same urgency.

Ensconced behind closed doors and separated from his wife and kids, Katsuo leans against the desk and folds his arms. “Explain.”

“The Giamettis want to trade me for my husbands, and I intend to give them what they’re asking for.”

“Shinji would protest. And if Shinji objects, Takeshi won’t agree.”

I square my shoulders and meet Katsuo’s glare. “It’s not up to them.” Katsuo unfolds himself and I stall him with a raised hand. “Before you shut me down, I have a plan.”

He listens while I detail my conversation with Paul and the thrown-together plan I came up with on the ride.

“Too many flaws, not enough time,” he mutters before lapsing into silence. “Why are you so certain I’ll sacrifice you for my cousin?”

“You haven’t embraced me as family yet. Maybe you blame me for bringing my vendetta into your lives. Maybe you find it hard to trust me. I don’t know, and I don’t care. We haveone thing in common: we’ll go to the ends of the earth to save Takeshi.”

“I can’t fault your logic.” Katsuo steps behind his desk and picks up the receiver of his desk phone. “Listen carefully and don’t interrupt.” He speaks into the handset, but I have no idea who he’s talking to. “First, the Giamettis took Takeshi and Shinji. Second… I said don’t interrupt. Second, I need you to bring Kori here. What about don’t fucking interrupt me don’t you understand? Get your ass over here with Kori, and I might answer them. Third, I want a list of all available men. They need to be on standby, ready to move the second I give the go-ahead.”

If the person on the other end has something to say, he’s out of luck because Katsuo hangs up the phone and snares me with a glare. “I’ll follow your plan for now, but the second I see signs it’s not going as planned, I take over.”

“I’ll agree to anything if it means?—”

“I know.” Katsuo turns to Riu. “Go to the other house. Get every shuriken, kunai, and small blade from the dojo. If we’re hiding weapons to sneak to Takeshi and Shinji, they should be small and light enough to remain undetected.”

Riu nods, his scowl from earlier gone now that I have Katsuo’s support.

Suddenly, the adrenaline high I’ve ridden until now dissipates and exhaustion weighs down my limbs. My legs sustain me enough to carry me to the sofa where they give out and I sink into the welcoming softness.

For the next half hour, quiet settles in the room, but I can’t relax under Katsuo’s unsettling and unrelenting regard. Although seated behind his desk, he still cuts an imposing figure. I don’t have time to pander to my cousin-in-law, but if I could read him, maybe I could concentrate on how to handle Paul when I meet him face-to-face.

The door to the office swings open, and Kori enters with wide eyes while wearing a panda pajama shorts set that clings to her hips and unbound breasts. Her sleepwear is cute but her curves add a sinful element no one can deny.

And the man stalking in behind her isn’t even trying with the way his eyes devour her.

“Couldn’t you have let her put on some decent clothes?” I jump to meet Kori halfway.

“Lakeshia?” Confusion and fear cause her voice to tremble. “Why am I here?”

“What did Masanori tell you?” I take her hand and lead her to the sofa.

In the corner, I spot a folded throw. I unfurl it and wrap Kori beneath.

She smiles as if I’m a godsend, and I glare at Masanori. I haven’t forgotten her confession from the farmer’s market where she revealed he terrifies her.

“Mr. Kimura didn’t say much. He came, pounding at my door, and threatening?—”

“That’s an exaggeration. I told you what you needed to know.”

“That I had to take a drive with you? I didn’t know why or where or…” Kori glances away, a shudder running through her.

I hug her to me and glare at Masanori. “Did you mention Katsuo sent you?”

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