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Fuck my life with a double-horned demon dick.

The second body in too few minutes falls to the ground and the gunpowder from shooting my Maxim 9 perfumes the air again. But this time my second victim isn’t who I expect.

“Fuck, woman! What did I do to you?” Takeshi Kimura demands, as he rightfully should.

He’d done nothing except surprise me while I was dealing with the threat I’d put down before he ran through the door. He has no idea how lucky he is that I wasn’t expecting him. At such close range, I always hit my targets.

“You should be grateful I didn’t kill you. Did you ever think to knock first?” I can’t help my sharp words. Adrenaline continues to pump through my veins and the one thought circling like vultures in my brain is the escape I need to make. Now.

Takeshi groans. “The door wasn’t closed. Plus, you must not know what happened downstairs if you think I wasn’t going to rush in here.”

“Of course, I know what happened. I’m the reason it’s shot to hell.”

“Are you also the reason for the two men lying dead at the bar?”

Damn, I forgot about them. That puts today’s body count at three. At least Takeshi won’t be joining my club of ardent fans.

“Why are you here, anyway? Business doesn’t start until seven tonight.”

“Kimura business isn’t dictated by a clock. Did you expect to have this place cleaned up in a few hours? Without help?”

I don’t respond. I intend to be in an ocean away well before anyone comes to prepare for tonight.

“Shit, will you get me something to staunch this blood flow or do you want me to die from blood loss?”

“Sorry,” I say, grateful for the excuse not to answer his other question. I run to the small linen closet in my office and retrieve a couple towels before handing them to Takeshi.

He presses the material against his shoulder. Until now, the blood seeping from his wound was nearly indistinguishable from his black shirt. However, crimson liquid quickly spreads across the fluffy, white towel, turning it bright red.

I swallow the pang of regret working its way up my throat. I don’t have time for regrets, especially ones for the beautiful man lying on my floor. A grimace mars the typical stern firmness of his face, yet fails to diminish his attractiveness.

Over the years, Takeshi would come to check on my business. Being so close to him, I couldn’t prevent lustful thoughts from entering my mind. Even when his focus was solely on doing his job, the man emitted a sexual pull strong enough to tempt me into relaxing one of my rules: sex is for business, not pleasure. Although I derive sexual satisfaction from taking on clients, I do so to acquire money and power, tools I’ll need to keep me safeand prevent more of what happened downstairs from occurring again.

Although I’ve toyed with approaching Takeshi every time he visited, I never acted on my desire. I’m no fool. I curate my connections carefully. I haven’t had the luxury of foolishness since the day I turned twelve, and life has a way of reinforcing lessons I don’t learn the first time with painful reminders. I’ve lived through enough setbacks to no longer view the world with optimism and hope.

And that’s what makes Takeshi dangerous. Despite everything he represents and the aura of danger that shrouds him, he inspires a yearning inside me that has nowhere to go. Not when he’s married. And from all the disappointed men and women who’ve shot their shot with him during his visits, he’s a rare treasure and challenge; a faithful husband.

I shrug away the familiar need to get closer to him and get between his marital bonds. How I’d like to monopolize his sexiness with at least one heated night of passion. But I’ve lost the opportunity, not like I’d have been successful.

Takeshi winces and checks his wound. I hand him another towel as the previous one is soaked through. When he presses this one against his wound, it doesn’t turn crimson as quickly as the other, indicating a slowing down of his bleeding.

His blood serves as a reminder that Takeshi Kimura belongs to a dangerous organization. One more powerful than the one I’m running from.

I don’t need to attract more of his attention than I already have. Even if I’ve never gotten to feel his full lips, silky mustache, or the pointed triangular beard he sports brushing against my thighs. That fantasy never would have happened, and given my current situation, neither will allowing him to discover my real identity. I’d eventually have to put an end to the scenes in my head born from too many interactions with him.

Today is as good a day as any.

“You should get to a hospital.” I step away and retrieve my gun.

“In good time.” With a bloody hand, he pulls his cell phone from his pants pocket and texts someone. “Before then, tell me about the dead bodies.”

I look behind me at the corpse lying in the room with us. He was sent to retrieve me for an even worse end than the one he met at my hands.

“I’ll know if you’re lying to me.” Harsh brackets deepen around Takeshi’s tight lips. His pain is undeniable, yet if I only go by the cadence in his voice I would never know.

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