Page 36 of Sansone DeLuca

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“Friendship is good.” I nod as possibilities flit through my head. “Friends let a lot of things slide.”

“I won’t. Consider me the ‘keeping it real’ kind of friend.”

“Hard pass.”

Aurelio shrugs, but his easygoing attitude says he’ll challenge me at every turn.

It’s early evening when we return to Sansone’s home. He carries Jinx who fell asleep immediately after entering the car, while I follow behind. And Aurelio, the new bane of my existence, keeps himself close. Too close for my comfort. But complaining to Sansone won’t change things.

Lost in thought, I enter my room to plot ways to avoid Aurelio and the effect Sansone has on me. A man shouldn’t beable to muddle my mind so easily, yet all he seems to have to do is close the distance between us and I erupt into a needy mess.

“What’s running through that beautiful mind of yours?” Sansone towers over me, peering into my eyes.

Does he see more than I want to show? That standing this close, I can’t escape his cool breath caressing my heated skin.

This is a mistake. For all he knows, I’m only his daughter’s nanny. A temporary one at that. My focus should be looking after the innocent little girl who narrowly escaped a horrendous fate if not for my intervention. But Sansone doesn’t know that little tidbit. He doesn’t know a lot of tidbits about my real life, and I need to keep things that way.

I glance away from his heated stare, but it doesn’t stop the yearning tempting me to make poor decisions.

He pinches my chin and forces me to meet his burning blue gaze. “You’re hiding something from me, but I don’t care. From now on, when you aren’t with my daughter, you’re with me.”

“I need my nights off,” I say while staring unflinchingly back at him.

His mouth spreads wide in a sinister grin that plays havoc with my lady parts. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you off every night. Or would you prefer the shackles?”

My body clenches at his offer. The recent memory of sleeping beside him while tied to the bed will do more to break down my resistance than anything he can think of.

“I’d prefer not to be a prisoner.”

“And you don’t have to be. All I’ve asked of you is to inform me where you’re going.”

“Why are you so fixated on me?” I back away to get breathing room and calm my body’s wild reaction to him.

“Other than I find you incredibly sexy, you don’t play games. You aren’t afraid of me, and…” He presses his palm against my heart. “The way you protect my daughter shows you have agreat heart.” A self-deprecating chuckle passes his lips before he spears me with his gaze. “Can you fault me for wanting a place there?”

“You’re wrong.” I avert my gaze. “I don’t have a good heart. I’m probably more damaged than anyone you’ve met.”

“I don’t care. I still want you.” Sansone pinches my chin and swings my face around to peer into my eyes.

“You don’t get it. I’m a health hazard.”

“So am I.” He leans toward me, his face taking up all my vision. “Give me a chance to show you we can be good together.” He brushes his lips against mine. “You’re aching and I can put you out of your misery.”

I inhale a shaky breath at his accurate observation. The material of my shirt rubbing against my engorged breasts and hard nipples is a kind of torture on its own. I squeeze my thighs, attempting to stem the flow of my arousal.

Would it be so bad to succumb to temptation and satisfy my curiosity? I have enough willpower to abstain after one taste. I hope.

“But you want more than sex, don’t you?” I raise my eyes to his, searching his face for any hint of deception.

Sansone grabs my nape and pulls until I’m on my tiptoes. “Yes, I want to dominate you. Make you beg for my touch. Maybe even have you crawl as you do it.”

I swallow, enjoying the image too much. “If I agree, this can only happen once.”

He chuckles, a sinister thread underlying the sound. “I won’t accept that.”

I start to pull away. “Well, then?—”

“Not when you’ll regret your choice.” He releases me. “How about this, reevaluate things once we’re done.”

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