Page 37 of Snaring Her Man

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“Absolutely. I’ll take care of my and Cam’s costumes and makeup and we’ll meet up with you and Kenya. I should have something for both days.”

“What are we doing?” I glance from one person to the next.

Jazzy and Khadijah are on some found-family reunion type stuff while Cameron looks as shell-shocked as I feel.

“Great, whoever’s last pays for the first round of drinks.” Jazzy drags me off to her car where she collects a duffel bag.

“I don’t understand what just happened.” Dazed, I follow her into my house and upstairs to my room.

“I’m helping you get laid by that fine specimen.” Jazzy plops on my bed.

As if my cat has a homing device inside her, she comes running into my room, meowing all the way, until she leaps into Jazzy’s open arms.

“I missed you, too my precious floof pop. We really need to convince Kiwi that I’m your new mommy or work out some kind of visitation where she gets you on weekends.”

“Will you be serious?” I sit on the window seat while resisting the urge to peek into Cameron’s bungalow and spy on him and Khadijah. They are an odd pair, but in our short interaction, I can tell they are close enough to be genetic siblings.

“I am serious about my little Jackpot. Know what else I’m serious about? Knowing why you never told me Hottie Mc Hotpants was into you like that. Or even that there was a Hottie Mc Hotpants. The way you two were standing before I honked my horn…” Jazzy fans her face. “Damn, that was h.a.w.t hot. Like he is on his own, and the two of you together? The world isn’t ready, but I am.”

“I…I… Damnit, Jazzy! I know he’s sexy and fine, I’m…you know…considering things. He’s been here less than a week. Can a girl have some time to figure out what she wants?”

“Ohhh, it’s like that.”

“What’s like what?”

“He’s got you running scared because maybe you might actually like him?”

“From the little I know about him, he isn’t a bad person. But that’s beside the point. I’m not in a place right now to even think about romance.” I bang my head against the glass and close my eyes.

“You haven’t heard word yet?”

The seat cushion depresses with Jazzy’s weight.

“No, and I’m trying not to let it get to me, but I can’t concentrate on my work. Between the studio and Cameron, I’m a mess. Then the mayor put me in charge of the town’s Founder’s Day activities. I don’t even know if I’m coming or going anymore.”

Well, you aren’t coming, that’s for sure.

“Here.” Jazzy hands Jackpot to me. “A cat can work miracles on a troubled mind.”

Once I take my cat, Jazzy wraps her arm around me until I rest against her shoulder.

“Let’s think about the things you can control. The studio isn’t it. Stay hopeful, but keep working on your own stuff. If I had a nest egg like you, I wouldn’t stress about what some studio thinks about my art. Bankroll yourself and make your show so good that studio comes knocking on your door, hat in hand for the chance to work with you.”

“But what if—”

“Oh my God, are you about to ask me what if you aren’t talented enough? Because there are a ton of people on social media who think you are. Hold up, did HMH say some out of pocket shit to you?”

I raise myself from her shoulder. “HMH?”

“Hottie Mc Hotpants. I shortened it.” She shrugs and pushes my head back onto her shoulder. “Don’t change the subject. Did he insult your work?”

“No, nothing like that.” I twist the fabric of my skirt. “He’s actually very complimentary.” Yesterday’s conversations spring to mind. “Cameron’s actually very encouraging. We talked a little bit about my fears. Listening to him actually made me feel like I was wearing an invisible superhero cape.”

Jazzy pounds at her chest. “Sorry, you’ve got me choking up over here. HMH is really winning me over.”

“Why do I bother with you?” I push off from her to stand.

“Love. It makes us do wild things.” She jumps up from the window seat, her energy on another level. “Come on, Yor. We need to get you ready for our event.”

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