Page 30 of Snaring Her Man

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Hope flares in my chest, but the flame peters to a smolder. “Why are you helping me? And don’t lie to me.”

“Ugh! This is why I can’t stand you sometimes. You think you can see through my motives.”

I arch my brow in silent challenge.

“This time you may be onto something. You said you hear music when—”

“For fucks sake, Deej. You want to push me on her so I’ll write a fucking song?”

“That’s not the only reason.” She lowers her head in contrition. “I genuinely want you to find happiness. She is who your heart is set on so I’m going to go all out for you.”

I eye her for what seems like an eternity. “What should I do?”

She smiles with relish, making me question if I’ve just signed my soul away to the devil. “Proximity is your best bet. Is there a place that she can’t avoid you if you show up?”

“I’m not certain. She’s meeting with the mayor today about heading up a Founder’s Day committee, but she might try to resign.”

“A community event is brilliant!” Khadijah practically bounces from foot to foot. “Think about it. She’ll be responsible for all manner of important stuff. Who better to help her than you? Get up!” She drags me from my seat. “You’re going to crash that meeting. Let’s go.” Her excitement spurs me forward, until I get to the door.

“Put the brakes on.” I turn to face her. “Arriving with you may not be the best idea.”

“Why the hell not? Are you forgetting how amazing I am and that everybody loves me?”

“Look, I have one lie I need to confess. You showing up on my arm is explainable. Kenya hearing your voice and finding out our connection before I’ve told her who I am will not be to my benefit.”

“Good point,” she admits. “While you go convince this Kenya person you’re worth the risk, I’m going to find a hotel. Have to oversee my efforts and make sure you don’t fuck things up.” She winks.

I follow her out, more at ease with what comes next. I’m not even fazed when she shit-talks me. Kenya’s and my upcoming confrontation consumes my thoughts. How will she react when I corner her?



Tension writhes inside my stomach making it difficult to swallow another bite of my shrimp ceviche. Pedro ordered our lunches before I arrived, which compelled me to stay because, God forbid, one Kenya Annalise Collins is intentionally rude. I bet Keating wouldn’t think twice about ditching something that made her uncomfortable. Does anything rattle her?

Gurl, you know I stay unbothered.

I set my utensils beside my lunch. “Mayor… I mean Pedro. I don’t feel comfortable getting in between you and my glamma. Not to mention I don’t need Cheryl Lee’s kind of smoke.”

“Kenya, I understand where you’re coming from, which is one reason I hoped you’d spoken to Onyx today. I promise you, she won’t be a problem for you.”

“But why me?”

“First and foremost because you can offer a new perspective to the people serving on the committee. With your creativity, this Founder’s Day festival will become part of our town’s history.”

As Pedro does his best to sell me on the position, I wonder when I stopped being so outgoing. Not that I was ever a huge risk taker but I had my moments.


Can it Keating.

Novel ideas begin to float in my mind. Activities Escondido Bay has never tried. Excitement thrums through my bloodstream. Instinct, hope, or maybe something else tells me that accepting the position will bring me that unknown thing that has been out of reach for so many years.

Am I really going to agree?

“Pedro, if I do this thing, I’ll want to be all in, but I’m working on a major project right now that—”

“Sir, sir! This is the mayor’s private office. You need an appointment to see him.” Ayana, Pedro’s admin, raises her voice allowing her irritation to penetrate the office, momentarily distracting me.

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