Page 31 of Scalebound

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The Scaleborne and I woke up from the bright sun rays and started our way on the path. She was far ahead of me, excited by the different plants and trees covering the forest. When was I going to knock her out? I started to formulate a variety of justifications for why I should wait. Why couldn’t I do it?

I thought she would be more like a dragon. That it would be easier to hate her, or even kill her. But she seemed more human. However, I should still be able to kill her. It should be easy.

There was a feeling of guilt that creeped up my spine. She had saved me once. I almost felt indebted to her–almost.

I became mesmerized by the forest. The bark of the trees was an enchanting canvas, displaying ash-black textures messily swirled with an auburn richness. Some of the trees’ sap was a thick goopy inked color that would trickle down the barks, forming mysterious untouched piles beneath the trees, seeping into the heart of the forest itself.

The grass had patches of brittle blades, crumbling with our muted steps, the vitality no longer infused in the vastness of the fields. No matter where we were, I would feel eyes digging into my back and staring into my soul. Multiple times, I would feel someone watching me. The hair on the back of my neck rose, making me clench my dagger harder at my side. At one point, I whipped my body around only to catch a glimpse of purple-colored eyes staring back at me through torn branches. Yet, after blinking, they were gone.

There were also different animals and creatures that I had never seen before. In fact, most of these animals I didn’t even know existed. They usually liked to hide in the secrecy of the Forbidden Forest, making it hard to find and get meat for meals on the outside.

I wanted to get out of the Forbidden Forest as quickly as I could. I also wanted to meet her head with the hilt of my dagger. The sooner that I did it then the sooner I could see Sebastia, however, why couldn’t I do it?

This wasn’t like me. Thoughts of regret and denial filled my head. I would be a killer if I took her back to the sorcerer. Would I be able to forgive myself? But would I be able to forgive myself if I didn’t bring Sebastia back to life?

The wind fluttered as a bird came flapping behind me. A black raven perched itself on a tree branch next to where I was walking. I shooed it with my hand as it felt uncomfortably close, but the muffled patter of its claws neared me. A shiny material caught my attention, and I beheld its neck.

I looked up to make sure that the Scaleborne was still distracting herself and she was. She had gone off to the side of the trail where the foliage was thicker and rested, harvesting violet berries that were oddly shaped with thistles poking out.

Glancing back at the raven, I saw a small silver tag on its neck. The raven tilted its head, its yellow eyes piercing mine. I slowly moved my hand up to hold the tag, not sure how the bird would react. He stood still as I held the frozen silver tag in my hands. “Tybalt,” it said. The tag slipped from my fingers.

The Sorcerer.

He knew where I was and that I was with her–with one of them: a Scaleborne.

There was something else attached to the bird's neck, and I lifted the string to reveal a small paper. I pulled it out and behind the raven stood a feather sticking up into the sky. Was it a penor something to write with? It was a slightly different shade of black and didn’t fit in with the rest of the raven’s feathers.

Plucking the black feather, the bird released a squawk. I looked back up to the Scaleborne, worried that she would turn back and look at the bird in response to its noise. She was still distracted by the sweet berries. I sighed.

Pressing the feather to the parchment, I watched as the black ink seeped into the paper.

I have found a Scaleborne. I am following her to her destination and will come up with a plan soon to bring her back. She is heading to the island beyond Evler.


Quickly rolling up the paper, I placed it back on the string that originally held it. I replaced the feather in the bird and it picked itself up, flying away.


I looked back at her. She didn’t see anything. Hopefully.

1.Haxnau (Hah-nah-woo): Hell

Chapter twenty-one


“Hurry up!” I called out after him. Damian was lollygagging behind me. We had to quickly reach the egg. Time was running out, and I only had nine days left to complete my quest.

Sparse rays of sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of sprawling tree limbs, casting intermittent patches of warmth onto our cheeks. The haunted song of the wind and the faint light from the sun seemed to be the only movement and life in the Forbidden Forest. The wind changed tunes based on the area we were walking through. Some sounded like whispers, others sang songs that would match the darkness of a nightmare.

A tree branch snagged my pants, and I swore. Damian turned around, glancing at me as I walked behind him and just smirked from my displeasure. He then faced forward, hitting into a low-hanging branch, smacking hard into his face. I couldn’t help but giggle at the irony.

We were heading northwest. The air immediately grew saltier, indicating we were getting closer to the fishermen's town, Evler. It didn’t seem like a long journey, but who knew what else would come our way?

“What does the ‘S’ stand for?” I asked, catching up and looking down at the silver locket placed gently on his chest.

“I don’t know what you're talking about,” he said, as he placed the locket inside his garment, next to his chest, out of sight.

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