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But it was too late to turn back now. A reckless voice in Esther’s head said she needed to see this through.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” Ashley smiled, arms raised and ready. “I’ve got you.”

She ran. Ashley’s hands met her hips, and Esther was weightless, and it was glorious. Not quite that orgasm from earlier, but she was still making comparisons. Just as she was savoring the novelty of seeing the world from a different angle and the feel of Ashley’s firm grip on her waist, she was sailing backward through the air, free-falling onto the bed.

Esther lay, flung—no, splayed—across Ashley’s bed in nothing but her ripped tights, which somehow made her feel more naked than if she simply had nothing on at all. There was this excited, bubbly feeling starting in her fingers and traveling up her arms. She could only describe it as restless peace. This was exactly where she wanted to be, here in this ridiculous bed with this silly, pink light and Ashley, so brave and strong and unapologetically herself—ready to fuck her to pieces again. Shewas so happy her body had growing pains making room for the influx of all this joy.

She looked up to find Ashley at the foot of the bed with a strange look in her eyes.

“Shit,” Ashley whispered, running a hand through her hair.

Esther’s heart raced at that word. Did Ashley regret this? Had Esther made a mistake? She stood on her knees and walk-crawled over to the end of the bed.

“Hey. Talk to me,” Esther said. “What’s going on?”

Water pooled at the corners of Ashley’s eyes, and Esther thought she might break watching it happen. Her arms enveloped Ashley in a flash. Like maybe some of Ashley’s speed had been transferred to her.

“It’s just starting to really sink in,” Ashley said.

Esther was never sure what to do in these situations. Not opening up meant she didn’t have much practice handling other people’s big feelings. But this was Ashley. She sank deeper into the embrace, wrapping her arms around Ashley’s waist, keeping her in place. She would be an anchor if nothing else.

“Seeing you here on my bed where I couldn’t have a girl before because then the whole school would hear about it and I’d lose everyone. All the fame and people I called friends. And then it’s not just any girl here. It’s you.”

Okay, Esther needed to see her face for this. “Would you like to snuggle under the covers for a bit and tell me about it?”

Ashley sniffed and nodded. They both slipped under the covers and molded together, their week of sharing a bed providing them with the knowledge of each other’s shape.

“I don’t know why I’m such a mess,” Ashley said, wiping the lingering tears from her eyes. “It’s not like this is my first time. It was just seeing you here, on this bed, in this room. I guess I’ve always been hiding a part of me. First, being gay all through high school, and now, being a vampire from my parents, and…it means so much that I have one person right here that I can be myself with.”

“Ashley,” Esther whispered, softly kissing away the lingering tears on her cheek, “I’m so sorry you had to hide yourself for so long to feel safe.”

“Well, I survived hiding through high school.” Ashley laughed, waving away Esther’s concern. “What’s another eternity of hiding a part of me?”

Esther wasn’t sure she liked this turn of the conversation. Ashley was a sun and shouldn’t be hiding, but being a vampire wasn’t Esther’s secret to tell. Not for the first time, Esther wondered how much Ashley had thought through the decision to change and whether it was the right choice for her.

She opened her mouth to say something, though she wasn’t sure what, when Ashley kissed her. Slow and sweetly nibbling at Esther’s lip until she opened for her and all other thoughts abandoned her.

“You’re so perfect, Esther.” Ashley rolled their joined bodies so she was on top, trailing her lips down Esther’s neck and shoulders. She gave a light nip on the top of Esther’s breast, and Esther let out a little gasp, her back arching.

“You like that, sweetheart?” Ashley asked sweetly before licking Esther’s nipple until it pebbled beneath her touch.

When her mouth continued to move down, Esther grabbed her wrist. “Wait.”

Ashley froze, and Esther recalled Ashley’s promise to stop whenever asked. She’d underestimated how serious Ashley’s promise was. “It’s my turn.”

“Turns aren’t a thing,” Ashley countered, despite letting Esther roll her onto her back. “I like tasting you.”

“Well, I’d like a try, if you don’t mind.”

“If you insist,” said Ashley with a sniff, which turned into a gasp when Esther licked the underside of Ashley’s breast.

“I insist.” Esther kissed down Ashley’s body, worshipping her with tongue and lips as she went. “Let me know if I’m doing it right.”

“Just do what you…enjoy.” Ashley’s voice trailed off as Esther licked across her seam, opening her with her tongue. Esther knew what she tasted like, but Ashley was sweeter.

She explored, learning Ashley’s body. First licking lightly near her entrance then gliding up to her clit listening when Ashley emitted a small gasp then going back to those spots for more until she felt Ashley growing tense, her thighs flexing under Esther’s hands. Esther felt a rush of power—a drive to unravel her. Light flicks turned to building pressure until she was sure Ashley was near ready, and then she sucked on her clit until Ashley cried out and convulsed beneath her.

Esther sat up and wiped her mouth, hiding her smile. She was toppled onto her back, Ashley pinning Esther’s arms over her head.

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