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“Aren’t you watching me?” If she didn’t know better, she’d think he sounded disappointed in her lack of interest.

“Shut up. I’m trying to listen.” She waved aimlessly in his direction. “Go on with whatever nonsense you have planned and leave me alone.”

There was a small pause before his boots clomped out of the room, and Ashley was able to listen in peace. Esther had come prepared with some journal. A few long pauses concerned Ashley, but then Esther asked a new question and Hannah would start again. When Esther asked about a night contagion, Ashley debated running in there and dragging Esther out.

“Someone has a little infatuation, it seems.” Claribel picked up her cross-stitch again. She’d never finish if she only worked on it while gossiping. Although, she was getting a lot done today.

“You can have the witch,” Ashley offered chivalrously.

“Ha! No, thank you.” Claribel turned to the foyer where August had disappeared and muttered to herself, “Although, he does look tasty.”

She stitched in silence while Ashley listened for any sign of distress in Esther’s voice. How quickly could she get there if Esther cried out? Hannah could mesmerize her into silence and then make her forget so Ashley never knew. She should go in there now and stop whatever was happening. Esther had enough answers for her project.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, my dear,” Claribel said.

“Dangerous?” She hoped Claribel didn’t keep this conversation up for long. Ashley needed to pay attention. Esther’s life could be on the line.

“Humans are destined to die.” While this was not a groundbreaking statement, it was enough to catch Ashley’s attention. “Worse still, they know it.”

“We all know it.” Ashley went back to smooshing her face to the vent so Claribel would get the hint and stop talking to her.

“Yes, well. When you know you are a creature that dies, you want to spend the life you have with another creature thatdies. Humans hold this sentimental value around growing old together. Nonsense, exacerbated by the greeting card industry, I’m sure, but real nonetheless.”

“It’s nothing,” said Ashley. “I’m not looking for some happily ever after with any human you might be alluding to. I’m fine.”

Claribel raised a brow, as though doubting that hovering over a floor vent to listen in on a secret conversation was the regular actions of someone who was “fine.”

“Anyway,” Claribel continued. “I wasfineonce too, living in the city before moving upstate to join the Family.” She pulled out the vial Ashley was sure did not have Essence of Irving in it. Claribel didn’t know Ashley checked the ages of all her supposed suitors, and they never quite matched up. She wasn’t sure if Claribel lied on purpose or if after a couple of centuries, lies blurred into truth. She didn’t doubt thatsomeone’sblood was in that vial. “It’s an old story and not the sort that would make it on any greeting card. He gave me this token to remember him by.”

The door to the study opened, and Ashley leaped to her feet and ran to the door, glad to get away from Claribel.

“Esther.” Ashley caught her by the bicep, looking her up and down to make sure she was okay. There was no way to know for sure that her memories were intact without asking her something specific. “Before you go, I was wondering…”

She wasn’t sure what to ask.

“Did you remember something you wanted to ask me?” Esther asked.

Remember. Ashley’s phone sat heavy in her pocket with an open text still waiting to send. This was her chance to ask Esther about Christmas. She was standing right there. But pretend it was a joke or ask for real?

Hannah walked out of the study.

Right. Ashley couldn’t invite Esther to Christmas in front of this crowd. And there was a chance Esther didn’t even want herto ask. She should think of another question to check Esther’s memory.

“Something about an elephant never forgetting. Or unmemory-ing?” Esther’s lashes lowered, and the corner of her mouth hitched playfully. “It was a little unclear what you were trying to say.”

Sweet Jesus, Esther wastryingto get Ashley to remember. Like Ashley could somehow forget. Okay, sure she was drunk at the time, but last night had haunted her all day. Also, was Esther flirting?

No, she’s straight.Pay attention, Ashley. Her memories were still intact, but they couldnotdo this here. She grabbed Esther’s hand.

“Yes, school question. Don’t mind us,” she announced to the rest of the room, none of whom looked up as she pulled Esther up the stairs. “We’ll just be studying, in my room. About school and such.”

Ashley practically carried Esther up the stairs in her haste to get her alone. Down the hall and to the left. She didn’t even bother closing the door.

Esther leaned in the open doorway, her eyes transfixed. Ashley waited. Maybe this was a terrible idea. Even now, she was watching the rise and fall of Esther’s chest as she got her breath back, her long and graceful neck and that smooth expanse of skin. Ashley heard blood churning through Esther’s veins, not slowing now that they stopped running but keeping their excited pace. So many temptations combined into one person. How could Ashley possibly expect to survive a whole week at her parents’ house with her?

“Ask me.” Esther breathed the command.

And then there was Esther. Quiet and fierce. Prickly with a mushy center that made Ashley want to dig for it every time. She was a kitten with claws. The scratches were worth a snuggle.

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