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just finished my call. omw

Ashley reread the figures while she waited, but the numbers didn’t lie. The rewards of possibly becoming human again far outweighed the risk of potential death, which she had designated as the worst possible outcome of taking the potion.

The door to the basement creaked open, and Ashley tensed to hide. She needed to get out of this basement.

Cynthia closed the door behind her. “What did you decide?”

“I’m taking the potion. I’m going to be human. Or maybe dead. It’s not clear. But I did the math, and the numbers don’t lie.”

Cynthia gazed thoughtfully and nodded along with Ashley’s words. “Right on.”

Ashley lifted the vial to her lips.

“Wait.” Cynthia held out a hand, stopping her. “Should we do a toast or something? This feels big.”

“Sure.” Ashley paused to think. “I’m not sure what to say. Cheers?”

Cynthia pulled a flask out of her back pocket. “May this moment bring you a new awakening. With the morning comes your new life.”

Ashley smiled. “Thanks, Cynthia. That was beautiful.”

They clinked glasses or did their best. Ashley’s tiny vial was rather difficult to handle.

“Cheers then.” Ashley shot it all in one go.

They waited.

“Any idea how long it takes?”

Ashley shrugged and shook her head.

They waited a little longer.

“I don’t feel any different. Do I look different?” Ashley looked at her hands, flipping them back and forth, but everything looked the same. She consulted her risk-and-reward notebook. She hadn’t considered an option for the potion to do nothing.

“Well, I guess I can tell you my news.” Cynthia lifted her flask. “I’m leaving the Family.” She took another swig.

“What?” Ashley dropped her notebook. “What do you mean you’re leaving? Why? Where will you go?”

“That was the phone call I just left for. Remember that person I was texting earlier? That chick that used to live here.”

Ashley’s skin tingled. “Konstantine?”

“Yeah, that’s her.” Cynthia screwed her flask shut and stuck it back in her pocket. “We’ve been talking lately. She’s on the ground floor of this tech startup in Seattle and wants me to join her team. I’m flying out tonight. Just finished confirming the details.”

“I-I don’t know if that’s such a great idea. What will you even do?”

Cynthia tilted her head. “I’ve been studying UX design since the dawn of home computers. She wants me on her design team.”

“Oh.” There went that excuse to keep her from leaving. Why did Cynthia have to become so interesting the second she decided to leave? “But are you sure? It’s dangerous out there. And you’ll have to start in a new Family.”

Cynthia placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let me tell you a secret. Some vampires get stuck in their ways, and that’s fine. We should all do what brings us joy. Hannah still lives in the town she grew up in, Claribel hasn’t changed her fashion sense in centuries, and you’re still listening to music from 2001 and wearing skinny jeans, even though I hear they’re on the outs.”

“Skinny jeans are not out! Kids these days just don’t know what they’re—”Gasp. Ashley wasn’t ready to pick any further at that revelation.

“But that’s not me. I have enough experience to know what I’m doing. It’s time to spread my wings and move on to the next adventure. If you want to tag along while you’re figuring stuff out, you’re welcome to.”

“But you’re leaving tonight? I need to recalibrate my numbers and find the next option in my queue.” Ashley grabbed her notebook, comparing the color key to the cards on the wall.

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