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I want more.

Rolling out of bed, I pad into the en suite bathroom and give a Milo-worthy stretch. I study my reflection, from my tousled braids to my kiss-swollen lips. For the first time in years, I don’t see a frightened little mouse staring back at me. I look alive. I feel alive. Vibrant. Vital. I didn’t realize how guilt had tethered me to that house until vandals set me free. I hate what they did, mourn what I lost. I’m grateful Gio is repairing the damage. But I won’t ever live there again. When I was there, I didn’t live—Iserved. It was a service I was happy to give, but now Rapunzel has left the tower, and there’s no way I’m going back.

After a quick shower, I wander into the living room and find Gio sprawled on the couch, his phone pressed to his ear. He’s shirtless, his sculpted torso on full display, and I bite my lip to keep from drooling.

“…Yeah, I got it under control,” he’s saying, his voice low and authoritative. He glances up and catches me staring, his eyes darkening with something he’s yet to act on. The chaste goodnight kisses we’ve shared after each date don’t count. “I’ll call you back,” he mutters, ending the call and tossing his phone onto the coffee table.

“Morning,” he rumbles, his gaze raking over my body, drinking in every curve and dip. “Sleep well?”

I nod, suddenly feeling shy. “Yes, thank you.”

“Good.” He unfolds himself from the couch, his movements fluid and graceful. “So, where are you dragging me for your third date?”

“Am I dragging you, Mr. Gataki? Because I distinctly remember you insisting we visit Chicago’s best pizzeria. And the holiday parade was your idea, too.”

“You said you’d never watched it live.”

“There’s a lot I haven’t done. You can’t possibly give me all my firsts…” I swallow hard, wishing I could reel back the words. Butlike me, they’re out in the world now, refusing to retreat. “Er, um,” I clear my throat. “Skating. We’re going ice skating.”

Gio’s eyes widen at my suggestion. “Ice skating? Really? You do remember that I’m the guy who hates the cold, right?”

I nod, biting my lip to suppress a grin. “That’s what hats, boots, and gloves are for.”

He stares at me for a long moment, then laughs. A deep, rich sound warms me from the inside out. “Okay, gorgeous. Ice skating it is.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad? I want you to be happy, Jeniah. If ice skating makes you happy, then that’s what we’ll do.”

We head to the rink hand in hand, the biting chill of the wind a welcome contrast to the heat simmering between us. I’m supposed to be the teacher, but it isn’t long before he’s gliding across the ice like he plays for the NHL. “You’re a natural,” I call out over the rush of the wind.

Gio grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I guess I just needed the right teacher.” We skate in comfortable silence before the cold demands we take a break. Gio’s shaky hands fumble with his skate laces when we step off the ice. “Here, let me help you with that.” I kneel and expertly untie the knots, my fingers gliding along his exposed shin. He inhales sharply at the contact, his eyes taking in my position before him. When our gazes lock, the heat in his eyes scorches me. “Thanks,” he says, his voice rough.

I stand up, dusting off my hands on my leggings. “No problem.” Iglance around the rink, enjoying the twinkling lights and festive music. “This is wonderful,” I say softly, leaning into Gio’s side. “Thank you for bringing me.”

He wraps an arm around my waist. “Anything for you, gorgeous.” We head to the concession stand, grabbing hot chocolates to warm up. Gio’s eyes sparkle over the rim of his cup as we sip our drinks. Suddenly, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the shooting gallery. “Let’s try our luck,” he says with a grin.

We take our places at the counter, eyeing the enormous stuffed animals lining the top shelves. Gio picks up the rifle, peers down the sights, and fires off shot after shot. He hits the bullseye three times in a row, and the attendant hands him a ticket. I burst into laughter when he exchanges his single ticket for a palm-sized trinket. His bewildered expression only makes me laugh harder. When the arcade manager explains he’ll need twenty thousand tickets to win the large prize, I laugh until my tears freeze.

Gio frowns good-naturedly as I giggle at his prize, but then grins and drapes an arm around my shoulders. “Guess we’ll have to come back another time to win you a bigger teddy bear.”

“Aww, are you saying I’m high maintenance, Mr. Gataki?”

“Nope, just worth winning over,” he replies easily, and my heart flips. I would have never pictured the surly gangster of a few days ago as a flirty charmer, but now I see right past the smokescreen of danger to the man inside. We finish our hot chocolates, then head back into the frigid night air, the twinkling lights of Navy Pier fading behind us as we walk hand in hand.The icy wind nips at our cheeks, but I barely feel it, too absorbed in the warmth of Gio’s body pressed against mine.

When we reach The Towers, Gio guides me to the elevator, his hand resting possessively on the small of my back. The doors slide open with a soft ding, and we step inside, alone in the mirrored space. Gio inserts the key card for our floor, then turns to me, his eyes darkening as they rake over my face.

“Your lips are turning blue,” he murmurs, raising a hand to cup my cold cheek. His thumb brushes over my lower lip, and I shiver, but not from the cold. “We should get you warmed up.”

“Yes,” I breathe, the single word heavy with anticipation. Gio leans in, his nose grazing mine, and I tilt my head up. Our mouths meet in a slow, deep kiss, tongues tangling lazily as the elevator rises. It’s different from our earlier kisses - less urgent, more exploratory. As if we have all the time in the world to discover every inch of each other.

When the elevator dings again, signaling our arrival, Gio reluctantly pulls back, his forehead resting against mine. “Is that the third date kiss,” he asks huskily, his breath fanning my face. “Or fourth?”

“I’ve lost track. But then, who’s counting?” A shadow passes over his face before he takes my hand and leads me inside. “After you, gorgeous.”

I shed my coat while Milo weaves between my legs in greeting, sniffing my boots to discover where I’ve been. Gio follows suit, his broad shoulders filling out his sweater in a way that makes my mouth go dry. Milo meows insistently against my legs untilI bend down to scratch behind his ears. “Hey, buddy. Miss me?” He purrs in response, arching his back.

“I think that’s a yes.” Gio reaches a hand out to Milo, who turns his head in disdain. Gio shrugs and says, “At least he’s not hissing. Get used to me, Milo. I’m not going anywhere.” He gestures to my wet jeans. “Why don’t you get changed while I order dinner?”

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