Page 76 of Wind Whisperer

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Circling back to the ranch, I peered at Erin’s cabin. I had her to thank for this playful energy. I had her to thank for so much.

My heart squeezed, and I looked down, yearning for her company. Not just down there, but up here, flying with me.

Maybe someday she can,my dragon whispered.She could, if she was our mate.

The majority of the guys — and they were mostly guys — in the Marines and at the agency were single, but every once in a while, the love bug would hit, turning a perfectly rational soldier into a goofy, love-sick mess. Everyone would tease, roll their eyes, and swear that would never be them — until their turn came.

To a man, we’d all sworn it would never happen to us. We couldn’t let it happen, because who wanted such an entangled, complicated life?

But suddenly, I found myself yearning forentangledandcomplicated.

As long as it’s with Erin,my dragon added quickly.

The sentiment came with a rush of joy, and I nearly roared in glee. I flew on, picturing all kinds of blissful scenarios while ticking off local landmarks. Bear Mountain was just around the corner from Painted Rock Ranch. So was Deer Mountain — though it was more mesa than mountain. Then came the deep indents of Boynton and Fay Canyons, followed by the highplateau of Soldier’s Pass. At Mescal Mountain, I curled my tail left, ruddering my body in the opposite direction. Peering down, I searched for the next landmark.

There!my dragon announced, rocketing toward a tear in the landscape.

I pictured Erin flying beside me, then yelling,Whoa! Wait!

Most of the time, I was more responsible than reckless. But at that moment, I was a teenager desperate to impress on a first date.

I flattened my ears, yelling,Watch this!in my imagination.

Devil’s Bridge was right down there, and if I timed it just right…

Zoom!I zipped under the natural rock arch, then twisted into an impossibly tight turn to emerge before slamming into the next rock face.

I cleared it — barely — and raced on, looking back. Holy shit, that had been close.

Still, I broke into a massive grin. Close, but fun.

I glanced around, half expecting to find Erin. But there was no one, just the harsh desert and lonely, wrinkled mountains. Turning my head east, I glimpsed the lights of town — a reminder of the real world and all the troubles in it. Troubles that all started — and ended — with Angelina.

My mood plummeted. That vengeful, malicious vampire could track me anywhere, anytime. Getting involved with Erin meant endangering her and the ranch. Her sisters and her niece too.

I roared, releasing a huge plume of fire.

Let Angelina try,my dragon hissed.I will end her. Then, when this is all over…

I glided on grimly. The only way to end this was killing Angelina, and that would end me too.

My dragon huffed, but it didn’t disagree.

Well, at least we’d die free,I reasoned.

Not much consolation. Not now that I’d tasted how good life could be.

Sapped of all that giddy energy, I flew back to the ranch, cursing the slight headwind. I came in for a landing along the dirt road and touched down smoothly, then stalked to Erin’s cabin, shifting to human form as I went.

On the porch, I paused for a deep breath. Tonight was my forever, so I couldn’t afford to spoil it with negative energy.

The thought made me chuckle a little. Were the New Age types in Sedona rubbing off on me?

A minute later, I crawled back into bed. Erin groped around in her sleep, found my arm, and pulled me close.

That, at least, drew a genuine smile out of me. I kissed the top of her head and stared off into the darkness, wondering where destiny might take us next.

Chapter Twenty-One

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