Page 46 of Wind Whisperer

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I resisted the urge to smooth his hair back into place, because a lock had fallen over his eye, giving him that tortured bad-boy look women found irresistible.

Other women, I mean.

I forced my focus to a different topic. “How is an agent supposed to protect him or herself against a warlock, anyway?”

“You tell me.” He held my gaze stubbornly. “You’re the one who took on Harlon.”

“I didn’t take him on. I was just…just…”


I sighed. “Yes, snooping. But he snooped first.”

Not a good argument, but I was in no mood to brush up my logic.

“He was snooping around your property, you mean,” Nash said.

I nodded slowly, wondering how much to tell him.

“A property with a secret vortex,” Nash continued.

I glared. I was the one questioninghim, dammit.

But I was getting tired of arguing, and I had no idea what to do about Harlon.

I eyed Nash warily, considering. “What was that agency again? The BDSM?”

And, oops. The unintended innuendo made my cheeks heat. But now that my dirty mind started moving in that direction…

“ADMSA,” he grumbled.

“Whatever.” I glowered at the steering wheel. “Here’s the thing, James Bond. This is not a one-way street. If I tell you what I know, you have to do the same.”

He shook his head. “Too dangerous.”

I scoffed. “For me or for you? Because I wasn’t the one racing away from Harlon’s party like I’d seen a ghost.”

His eyes flashed with resentment, and his voice dropped to an ominous growl. “You have no idea the fire you’re playing with.”

Ha. Did he mean Angelina, Harlon, or himself?

I shrugged. “Maybe not. But maybe Harlon is the one biting off more than he can chew.” I leaned in. “We both know he’s up to something. So let’s talk — openly. No lies. Because this goes too deep and there might not be anyone but us to stop it. Not if your agency can’t be trusted.”

“Not my agency,” he muttered.

“Whatever. Are you with me on this, or aren’t you?”

His eyes bored into mine. I glared back, refusing to give in.

Usually, I avoided trouble. But I had a hunch this trouble was coming no matter what, so I might as well take the initiative while I could.

“Well? What do you say?” I asked, growing impatient. “It’s gonna be a hell of a long walk back to town if I leave you way out here, you know.”

He made a face. “Threats are not a good way to win trust.”

“Not a threat. A warning. If I trust you, you have to trust me.”

His expression made it clear what a hurdle that would be. A hurdle that would take more than words to overcome. For himandfor me.

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