Page 43 of Wind Whisperer

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I frowned as a scrap of trash stirred in a breeze. There’d been no wind a moment ago, but now that I’d idly wiggled my fingers…

Okay,nearlyno abilities. Nothing worth mentioning anyway. Not when my dad could conjure up entire dust storms, like that huge haboob that had consumed Phoenix years ago.

I remembered him watching the news that evening, then whispering,Oops.

All because of a sports car driver who had cut him off, then flipped him the bird.

A good lesson about events spinning out of control…a little like now, maybe.

The bushes stirred, and I spun around. Another false alarm, but it did turn my thoughts back to Nash. Was he a warlock too?

I snorted. No, because the man had zero charisma — the most identifiable warlock trait.

What, then? A vampire?

My blood chilled, but I rejected that too. He lacked their creepy aura, not to mention their slick, polished appearance and manners. At least, that’s how Pippa claimed to spot them.

A shifter, maybe?

My hand tightened around the steering wheel. Shifters came in all types, so they were hard to pin down.

My lips tightened bitterly.A lot like Mom.

Footsteps scuffed at the far end of the lot, and I whirled in the driver’s seat. Before I had time to sayboo, someone yanked the passenger door open and jumped in.

“Hit it,” Nash ordered, pointing to the road.

I scowled. “Nice to see you too.”

“Nice to see you,” he grunted with zero warmth. “Hit it.”

With a screech of tires, I pulled out and headed west on 89A. When Nash reached up to adjust the rearview mirror to his angle, I turned it back.

“My car, my mirror. Where’s yours?”

“My car?” He made a vague gesture. “I came on foot.”

I wasn’t sure I bought that story, but that was the least of my worries now.

A few minutes passed in tense silence before he suddenly erupted.

“Dammit, I told you not to go to Harlon’s!”

I snorted. “Sorry, boss. Oh, wait. That’s me.”

“This isn’t about work.”

“No, it isn’t. It’s about a warlock, a vampire, and a man who has no right to boss me around. Or wait. Are you even a man? As in, human?”

He stared.

I drove through another three lights, close to crushing the steering wheel in my tight grip. Then I cracked.

“Boy, you really think I’m stupid, don’t you?”

He shook his head quickly. “Not stupid. I thought you were human…or close enough.”

“Gee, thanks for underestimating me.”

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