Page 9 of Angel Captive

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"It's my name," he said.

I flashed him my brightest smile and batted my eyelashes. Yes, I know I was in prison with an alien that I didn't really know anything about, but maybe whatever medicine they knocked me out with was still in my system and making me loopy.

“I understand why you're here, but any ideas what they want with me?” I swallowed, rubbing my hands down my prison pants. “I mean I'm not at war with anyone, I’m just someone who fixes old Earth tech?"

His reserved mask that he wore when I first met him was back in place. "It doesn't matter what you did before, Riley. The Roulex only care about their own agenda."

When he said my name in his accent, my stomach did a little wobble. I didn't want him to stop talking, but I dreaded what his next answer would be. "And what do they want to accomplish? I mean I'm human and I can't really do much aside from fix their broken computer equipment." Though there was always the black market to consider. They sold everything from people to organs to something else to the highest bidder. I shuddered. "This isn't some kind of organ harvesting prison is it?"

He paled. "In a way, Riley, I'm afraid it is."

I jumped up and started pacing the small cell. "I knew it. I just freakingknewit. Can't believe that I was so naïve to think that the stupid alien speed dating event was legit." I clenched my arms at my sides, but I really wanted to punch something. Life was unfair. All I had wanted was to go out with a nice guy, have a date, maybe actually hit it off. Instead, I’m stuck in here with a brooding winged male waiting for them to come cut me up. Just peachy.”

His eyes had widened. "You went on at what?"

I waved a hand refusing to answer, and I couldn’t believe I saidthatpart out loud. "How long do you think we have before they come to chop us up?"

"That depends on how cooperative we are together."

I spun and faced him, my brow furrowing. "What do you mean?" I had to know what I was up against and how to plan an escape if I got the chance. And I wasn't done trying to reach that mechanism at the top of the bars either.

"We are here together in order to make offspring of my kind for them to experiment on." His mouth drew into a sneer like the mere idea was the most vile thing in the world.

I stepped back, my nose crinkling and my stomach tightened at the thought of why they’d brought me here. "I don't understand, if they want your offspring why don't they just take your swimmers?"

"It's not that simple. Only procreating can actually produce offspring of my species."

What he had been saying finally hit me, and I stopped in my tracks, my heart racing. Prickles tightened across my scalp. "So, I’m here as a baby-making machine?"

There was no way I was going to do this. My sex life was mine and not to be on display and certainly not in some prison no matter how amazingly gorgeous my cellmate was. After getting over my shock, I marched back to the bars. There was no way in hell I was going to stay here another minute if I could help it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Trying to break us out of here." I looked over my shoulder at him.

His eyebrows shot up. "And how do you plan to do that? Do you have magic I did not know humans possessed?"

"Oh, now you’re a comedian.” I rolled my eyes, but grinned, liking how he questioned me with a bit of humor despite our circumstance. “But no, I'm trying to reach the door panel to override it. Then we can get the fuck out of here.”

Three reptilian guards shouted and ran down the hallway toward us.Oh shit. Had they overheard what I planned to do?

I backed away from the gate and bumped into Xaden. His arms wrapped around me with an iron grip. My face flamed from the intimacy of having my back pressed against the carved muscles of his chest.

“This isn’t funny, let me go.” I squirmed, but he only tightened his grip.

The guards’ boots echoed closer. Were they coming to get me, and he was holding me back for them so I couldn’t escape? No wonder he’d been so hesitant to talk to me.

He had my arms pinned to my sides and I couldn’t break free. His breath tickled the back of my neck. The memory of when my first boss tried to force me to have sex with him surged through me, pulling me under. I kicked Xaden’s shins with my heels, but he didn’t loosen his hold at all.

"What the freaking hell? Get your hands off me," I screamed. My heart hammered against my sternum.

Why had I even thought to trust anything he’d told me? But that was me, Riley, who let a hunky guy with chiseled cheekbones and wings blindside me. And I’d stumbled into his trap like a fucking idiot.



The female squirmed in my arms; her kicks felt like slaps against my shins. She would never survive the tortures here and my heart thumped painfully in my chest at the thought. I had to protect her however I could. I’d expect no less if my sister was in this fucking jail and someone was in my place.

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