Page 18 of Age Gap Academy

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“I’m alright.” She takes a breath, clearly working up her nerve. “I do have to admit to being a little nervous. This isn’t exactly the usual academic setup, so I’m not sure how all of this is supposed to work,” she says, gesturing between us.

Being so fascinated by her that I completely forgot to start our meeting with my usual new student spiel is not exactly the professional start I’d envisioned.

Nothing to do now other than damage control.

“Is there anything specific you’re not clear on or is it just the mentor/mentee style of learning?”

“I went through the orientation materials, and working one on one is definitely going to help me maximize my time here, but there really wasn’t much information about what the blocks of time with you are actually going to look like.” Her face falls. “My only experience is from a high school setting. I don’t have any personal experience with higher education, much less an innovative format.”

The amount of shame in her tone nearly knocks me to the ground.

Someone has absolutely used that as a weapon against her, and not just once, either.

I stuff down the urge to gather her up in my arms and hold her tightly until all the hurt goes away.

Instead, I opt for the more professional route—the only route I should ever be taking with her—and attempt to change the subject.

“If your website and your vlog are any indication, you’ve certainly been able to master a good many skills on your own. My job is to fill in the gaps.”

“You watched my videos?”

I swear, her eyes are glowing with pleasure.

My guilt over digging into her socials instantly evaporates. I’d do it a thousand times over if it meant I got to see that look in her eyes again.

“I have, yes. It’s clear that you have plenty of raw talent to work with from a psychology and marketing standpoint. There are elements that could use some refining, but that’s part of the reason that you’re here—to hone those skills.

“That being said, they’re quite impressive from a creative standpoint. Wesley—I apologize, Mr. Brooks—could not stop going on about the photos in your portfolio. I think you might have yourself a diehard fan now. Just make sure you get him to teach you what he knows when you meet with him instead of the other way around.”

“I… I don’t know what to say,” she says sheepishly. “I’m used to my friends enjoying my work, but professionals in fields I want to improve in? That’s very new for me.”

“One of the most important things we’ll teach you here is how to build confidence in the skills you already have. Or at the very least, how to fake it for prospective clients until you learn to believe it for yourself.”

“If that’s the only thing I learn here, I’ll consider this session a success.” She laughs.

“I’ll teach you far more than that, Avery. You have my word,” I say in a low tone.

For a moment, I’m tempted by fantasies of teaching her how to moan my name when I bend her over my desk, how to rake her nails down my back just right…

You’re supposed to teach her, not proposition her.

I stuff the thoughts back down to the dark recesses of my mind where they belong.

“Do you play chess?”

“I do. I was even a member of my high school’s chess club. Why?” she asks warily.

This is why we stick to the new student spiel, Phillip. If you’d remembered to do that, she wouldn’t be looking at you like you’d grown a third eye.

“I apologize. That was rather out of the blue.” I clear my throat. “I like to play a game of chess with all my new students on our first meeting. Not only does it help alleviate the inevitable awkwardness of a first meeting, but it also gives me a good picture of how they think. It’s more enjoyable than a learning styles questionnaire and far more revealing.”

“And if I’d said that I didn’t play?”

“I settle for checkers,” I say, failing to keep the snobbery out of my tone. “It’s easier to teach.”

She giggles at my obvious disgust for the game, and for a second, I forget how to breathe.

I hope she stays in touch after this session is over. I need to keep that laugh in my life somehow.

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