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“Because we love you.” Caspian threads our fingers together. “Those minutes where we were stuck outside watching that place go up in flames with no way of knowing where you were or if you were alive? The scariest moments of my life.”

“All I could think about was how often I nearly told you that I’d fallen in love with you but chickened out,” Asher says. “I kept telling myself that I couldn’t ruin a good, fun fling with my emotions. That I had to keep them locked down because losing you wasn’t worth it.”

“But now?” Finn reaches up and cups my cheek. His thumb slides over my damp cheek. “Now we’re not scared to tell you we love you because we nearly lost you. And that’s one hell of a wake-up call. What we have? What we’ve developed? You don’t ever find that. It’s so fucking special and we love you and?—”

“I’m pregnant.” I blurt it out like some final statement. As if it will make all their love for me evaporate. A defense mechanism so that they will realize their mistake before confessing all their love.

Because I don’t deserve it.

And I don’t deserve them.

There’s a long moment of silence. All three of them simply stare at me.

“Are you serious?” Asher asks, sliding further up the bed. His gaze drops to my belly hidden under the sheets.

“Yes,” I reply and my throat tightens. “I found out a couple of days ago and I…well honestly, I don’t have a plan but before you all start fooling yourself into thinking you want to be with me then?—”

Finn’s mouth collides with my own and he kisses me so hard that my bruised lip flares up hot and powerful. Around me, Caspian’s laughter fills the air and there’s a slap of flesh as Caspian and Asher high-five one another behind Finn’s head.

“Emma.” Finn pulls back, holding my face as I stare back at him completely stunned. “This is fantastic news!”

Wait, what?

“I…” I can’t think. My mind just stops at the kiss and nothing else appears past it.

“We’re gonna be dads!” Caspian roars. He clasps the back of my head and kisses my forehead, then moves away and punches the air.

They’re…happy? Not running for the hills? Not blaming me for not being more careful?

“I don’t understand,” I whisper. “It was an accident. The stress fucked with my pill.”

“A happy accident,” Asher chuckles, rolling onto the foot of my bed. Then he pauses and props himself up on one elbow. “Unless you don’t want the baby.”

That sobers the excitement a little. Finn glances at the other two, then he takes my hand once more.

“Whatever you want to do, however you want to proceed, we will support you. But I promise you that you being pregnant does not change how we feel,” he says.

“If you said that to scare us away,” Caspian grins, settling down next to me. “You are wrong. Plus, you’ve met my mother. You know she’d love to be a grandmother.”

“For you?” Asher leans down and kisses my clothed knee. “I’ll be whatever you need me to be.”

“Fuck,” I sob, emotions bubbling up faster than I can process them. “I thought you would all hate me because we’d never talked about a future and this was supposed to be fun.”

“If you’d asked us,” Finn says gently. “You would have learned a lot sooner how much we love you.”

“I love you too,” I weep, clutching at his shoulders. “All of you!”

The tears come, made worse by the repetitive promises to love and support me. Each man swears to stay by my side, and nothing will hurt me ever again.

A promise they all put their hearts and souls into.



“Oh fuck!” I arch upward, twisting my hands into Asher’s shirt and thrusting my hips up into his talented mouth. No one told me that at six months pregnant, your libido is almost insatiable.

I’m one hell of a lucky girl to have three men willing to come to my aid.

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