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Standing tall, framed by broken glass, splintered wood, and a halo of fire, is Mike. He stands silent and unmoving in the window Finn and I just leaped through.

He watches me, and I watch him as hands move over my body and I’m wrapped in thick blankets.

Then Mike moves slowly backward until he melts into the blazing inferno consuming my apartment.

He is just a shadow.



“This is gonna cost a fortune,” I murmur, toying with the edge of the blanket. It’s the only thought I have. This impending doom rising from being unable to work out how I’m going to pay for these hospital bills.

It’s hardly the most pressing matter and yet it’s all I can think about. Paying my parents my tuition fees back, on top of finding a new apartment, and now multiple hospital bills.

I’m going to be in debt for decades.

“Don’t you worry about that right now,” Caspian says. He sits to my left, holding my hand and gently stroking my knuckles. “You just focus on getting better, okay? Everything else can wait.”

“Medical bills can’t,” I point out, glancing at him. “They don’t care if you’re dying. You still gotta pay.”

“When he says don’t worry,” pipes up Asher from the foot of my bed. “He means we’re taking care of it.”

“I can’t ask you all to do that.”

“Who's asking?” Finn sits on my right and he scoffs lightly. “We’re paying and there’s nothing you can say that will change that.”

“What about your own bills?” I’m not sure why I’m pushing this. Maybe because in the past twenty-four hours, they haven’t left my side. They’ve shown me love, care, and dedication, and all I can think about is how much of a liability I’ve been. And will continue to be once they find out I’m pregnant.

“Mine are okay,” Finn says, glancing down at himself. “Some cracked ribs and a busted nose don’t cost as much as the burns you suffered,” Finn says, reaching one hand onto my bed. “Plus we shared an ambulance. Money saver.”

I almost laugh but the door to my room suddenly bursts open, making me jump. Ana and Meghan stumble inside, making a beeline for me on the bed.

“Emma, oh my God!” Ana screeches, grasping my free hand. “Are you okay? Are you okay?!”

“I can’t believe this,” Meghan gasps. “I’m sorry I was sleeping or we would have been here sooner.”

Seeing my two best friends after such a traumatic event warms my heart and I manage a smile for them.

“I’m okay,” I assure them. “Just a few burns around my ankles and calves, a couple of broken ribs, and the rest are just flesh wounds.”

“Oh God!” Ana pales considerably. “I’m so sorry! Mike did this? That little weasel fucker. When I see him, I’m going to cut his balls off with razor wire!”

“Get in line,” Asher snorts.

“Fortunately, he’s dead,” Finn adds. “But trust me, there would be a line.

“Fucking hell,” Meghan breathes and it’s slightly jarring to hear her swear so much in quick succession. “I’m so glad you’re alive and I—” Suddenly, her eyes flood with tears and she clutches my forearm. “I’m so sorry I blamed your sleepwalking!”

Meghan starts to wail and sob, pouring out her apologies, and no matter how often I assure her, it doesn’t help. She cries openly until the police arrive and the room is emptied.

Partially emptied since Finn, Asher, and Caspian refuse to leave.

“Miss Pierce.” Detective Anderson stands before me with his partner, Mosse, hovering over his shoulder. They both look like they’ve eaten gigantic slices of humble pie.

After all, Meghan wasn’t the only one to blame this on my sleepwalking.

“What did you find?” Finn demands, and his tone is not kind at all.

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