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I’ve missed him.

I’ve missed them all so much.

“Emma…” His voice is soft and he stops a foot away, running his eyes over me. It leaves a trail of heat that settles in the hollow of my throat. “You look good.”

“Hey, Asher. Thanks.” A soft, nervous bubble of laughter escapes me and my cheeks warm. “I don’t feel it.”

“Stress?” His brows pull together.

“Yeah. Exams, sleepless nights, and an upset stomach, y’know?” I can’t stop looking at him. I want to commit every detail to memory because it’s been far too long. Is this how smokers feel when they get the first hit of a cigarette after weeks of cold turkey?

“I actually have something for you. I was on my way to mail it to you, but since you’re right here…” He holds out the pamphlet he’d been reading on the way up the corridor, and I take it slowly.

It’s a pamphlet for a summer course in photography, starting in a month. At a glance, there’s a number to call along with a few details of prices and the certification you can get at the end.


“I just…I wanted to let you know that you have more options than you realize, y’know? There’s more to life than the stuffy courses you feel forced into and stuff. Just something to think about.”

It’s such a sweet gesture that my heart swells and I can’t keep the smile from my face. Did he read my mind? Can he feel my exhaustion with this life my parents mapped out for me?

Or did he hear me yelling at my parents?

Whatever the reason, I like it.

“Thank you. I’ll definitely check it out.” I look back up at him and his eyes, previously wandering over my body, snap back up to my face. But it’s too late. I already know he was eyeing me up and my last strand of resolve to stay away crumbles.

We surge for each other at the same moment—as if he once again reads my mind. His lips collide with mine and all thoughts of Ana and drinks flee from my mind. I need him.

I need to be touched. To be held. Just one drop of comfort in this loneliness I created for myself. Asher gives that to me and with his quick thinking, we end up in the nearby storage closet where darkness closes around us. Items clatter on the shelves he shoves me up against and something hits the floor with a loud thud but we ignore it. Nothing else matters.

I kiss him deeply, biting repeatedly at his lower lip each time we change angle. He pulls at my clothes, sliding his hot hands underneath my T-shirt and caressing my curves. Up to my breasts, he fondles me around my bra and then pulls his hands back.

“No time,” Asher gasps against my lips. “I need you now.”

“Fuck me then,” I gasp as warmth dampens my thighs. He spins me around and shoves me back against the shelves, then pulls my jeans down just below the swell of my backside. The sound of a zipper reaches my ears, and then his thick cock slides between my thighs.

“Please,” I gasp as my skin flushes hot and desperate. My heart races and I grip the shelves as tightly as I can in the dark. Asher’s hot breath brushes against my cheek, and then his cock is inside me in one deep thrust.

We fuck, fast and dirty. He clings to me, keeping himself up with a strong stance while wrapping one arm around my waist to keep me close to his body. The shelves clatter and complain, and I clutch at them like a ladder, holding on for dear life. It’s everything I need and yet at the same time, it’s not enough.

His thrusts are hard and deep, his lips trail over my neck and cheek and he sucks on my earlobe while pounding deep into me. Our breathless moans and grunts fill the air between us, and it’s as if we’re in our own private bubble. In these few minutes, nothing else matters.

“Yes!” I gasp repeatedly as each thrust drives me rapidly toward orgasm. I claw at the shelves, trying to rock back into his thrust with each movement. His grip grows more powerful, and my core heats up and tightens. Then, for a few seconds, I’m on the edge of a molten knife desperate for permission.

Asher moans in my ear, and I come so hard that my legs turn boneless. He holds me through it, using one hand to cup my chin and turn me around enough to kiss me deeply.

He climaxes a few seconds later, and I am utterly sated.

“An hour?” Ana raises one brow as she slides an unopened beer toward me. “Girl, we have to get you a watch.”

“I’m sorry!” Sliding into the booth across from her, my smile turns upside down. “I was just…I ran into something I had to take care of.”

Even now, my core tingles at the thought of Asher’s cum warm inside me. I accept the beer, but the sudden desire to drink turns my stomach and I slide it away. I haven’t had a drink in weeks and this was my one night to let loose. Suddenly, I just want to be home with hot chocolate and a movie.

“Oh really? Everything okay?” Ana leans in close. “Is this about the pictures?”

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