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“You think it’s the exams?” Asher asks, eyeing me with concern.

“Maybe.” I shrug. “I had wondered because I keep putting things down and forgetting about them or leaving windows open and stuff. Sleepwalking me has some issues, clearly.”

Asher reaches across and comfortingly touches my forearm.

“Considering what happened with your car and at the club,” Finn says, “I’d say your stress levels are pretty high.”

“Yeah, and I had a falling out with one of my friends so…I guess things have been a little tense.” Or a lot tense.

Caspian snorts and takes a large gulp from a cup of coffee. “Explains why Meghan’s work has been so angry lately. I thought she was entering a rage era of art, so if it makes you feel any better, her style has been greatly improving.”

“At least there’s some good coming out of this.” Despite the tension worming its way back into my chest as we discuss all of this, the snap of the bacon brings me an odd sense of peace. Maybe it’s the mountain air or the company, or the insane orgasm that I had yesterday. Something here is good for my soul.

“Oh, about your car.” Finn sets down his mug. “I spoke to campus security about it and they’re going to keep an eye on you just in case. They say that an attack like that paints a target on the vehicle if it’s not getting replaced.”

“Well, I won’t be leaving my new laptop in my car that’s for sure,” I murmur, munching through the last bacon slice. That was paid for out of my own savings since insurance didn’t cover anything inside of the car and my father was, once again, more interested in teaching me a life lesson than helping.

“Alright.” Brushing my fingertips together, I slide from my stool. “I’m going to take a shower and then we can head out for a hike?”

Murmurs of agreement rise up from the others and several kisses capture my lips as I weave out of the kitchen. Putting stress out of my mind, I focus on the excitement we have planned for the day and head for the shower. Just as I finish rinsing off the soap, the glass door opens and Caspian steps inside. The steam curls over his body, caressing his muscles in a way that makes me jealous, so I reach for him.

“Hey,” he smiles as he steps closer. “Miss me?”

“Yes,” I reply, sliding my hands up over his damp skin as the water pours down between us. “I miss all of you all the time. You’re spoiling me here, giving me days of uninterrupted attention. I’m never going to want to leave.”

“This doesn’t have to stop when we go back to the city.” Caspian’s hands stroke down my back and come to rest on the rising swell of my backside.

“You sure?” I tilt my head and squint against the spray to look into his beautiful blue eyes. “What if you get bored of me when we’re back in the normal work life?”

“Sweetheart.” Caspian pecks me on the lips. “Bored isn’t in my nature.”

He kisses me again, deeper this time while pressing me up against the cold tiles. They're a shock to my body so I lurch closer to him with a gasp, then laugh. His tongue snakes into my mouth, his thick body presses up against mine and the shower falls into a distant thought when his thick, deft fingers slide inside me.

Already sensitive from last night, it takes no time at all for Caspian to bring me to another orgasm and I climax over his fingers just as the hot water runs out. Between moans and gasps, the sudden chill of the water is surprisingly nice as I kiss Caspian eagerly, panting into his mouth as the pleasure fades.

The day passes far too fast for my liking. We hike up the mountain to catch a beautiful view of the sun by lunchtime. There’s a small overlook that we rest at, eating sandwiches crafted by Asher and drinking fresh squeezed orange juice. Caspian paints the view while I end up in Asher’s lap and he fucks me to a swift orgasm that has me screaming out my pleasure and scaring all the birds in the trees. Then Finn is between my legs, working his magic with that devilish tongue. He pulls another orgasm out of me, and the constant attention has my pussy so sensitive on the walk down the mountain that by the time we get home, I throw myself back into Caspian’s arms. He fucks me hard in the shower, leaving grooves down my back and thighs from his nails and I wear the marks with pride.

Dinner becomes an intense affair since sitting is becoming difficult, much to the amusement of my men and by the time exhaustion creeps up and we retire to the lounge for a movie, they have another game on their mind.

They sit me in the middle and hold my legs apart while the movie plays. Each time certain words of their choosing come on screen, they press one of the several vibrators Finn brought with him to my pussy. There’s no fighting the pleasure and no need to hold back since Finn gives me explicit permission to come. They start a tally, tracking who can make me come the most. I don’t remember a thing about the movie; after my fifth orgasm, it becomes useless background noise and they all work together to bring one final heated climax once the credits roll.

“It’s lucky we sleep in separate rooms,” Asher whispers to me as we all finally say goodnight and I collapse, exhausted, into bed.

Tomorrow needs to be a relaxing day.

I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around my pillow and dream of being surrounded by Asher, Finn, and Caspian. Their smiles make my heart sink, their touches make my pussy ache and my cheeks hurt from smiling. This kind of romance, this kind of bliss has been missing from my life for far too long.

But then, my dreams change. They’re no longer with me and instead, there is the shadow from my room. The one that undressed me even though I can’t remember anything else. It starts to chase me and I run. Past familiar rooms in college to my home and the cabin, I run as fast as my legs can carry me. My heart pounds so painfully in my chest that my ribs are surely about to crack open, and my mouth is so dry that when I try to yell toward the sounds of my lovers’ voices, I make no noise.

I hear them calling for me, guiding me back to them, but no matter which direction I run, I can’t find them.

Suddenly, my stomach lurches, and I hit the ground with a grunt. I open my eyes, expecting the hardwood floor and fluffy rug of my room, but I’m not there. Sharp pine needles bite into my knees and palms, and a chill wind brushes over my body. An animal screeches to my left, causing my heart to leap into my throat.

I glance up, faced with an infinite darkness split by a few trees illuminated by the moonlight.

Why the hell am I in the forest?


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