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“You still can, if you want, while we get settled?”

She contemplates it while chewing on her lip, greeting Asher and Caspian as they enter.

“Where’s the bathroom?” Caspian grunts softly. “Dying for a piss.”

Emma snorts and points to a door leading off of the main room. “Down that hall, third door on your left.”

Caspian drops his bag, swiftly kisses Emma’s cheek and sprints away. Asher groans softly and picks up his bags.

“Okay, I’m going to soak. The bedrooms are over there, all of them are empty except the one close to the lounge. That’s mine. Take your pick.”

“Thank you.” It’s a fight to keep my eyes at a respectable level when she stands there looking so gorgeous in that bikini. “We’ll come find you once we’re settled in.”

“Not if I find you first.” She winks at me and heads through a door leading to the kitchen. Another door clicks closed, and I let out a deep sigh.

“You good?” Asher asks, shifting his grip on the bags.

“Yeah. I was beginning to realize how creepy our romantic gesture could look if she got the wrong impression.” I watch the realization dawn in Asher’s own eyes.

“How the fuck did we become smart enough to teach,” he grumbles, heading toward the door Emma indicated.

“I have no clue.”

An hour or so later, we sit in the lounge with Emma in front of us. After her soak in the hot tub, she changed into a long maxi dress that softly hugs all the beautiful curves of her body. The first thing I noticed was that she chose not to wear any underwear and her nipples rise through the fabric as she faces us.

“So,” Emma says, clasping her hands against her knee. “You wanted to talk?”

“Yes.” Clearing my throat, I inch forward on my seat. “Which sounds really dramatic but after the party, we realized we didn’t get much time to lay things out for you about how it looks on our end.”

“Having your parents there made that hard,” Caspian adds.

“As we mentioned, we already knew we were all interested in the same woman, and it doesn’t bother us but we want to be clearer. We are incredibly interested in you and we want to be with you. We like you a lot. If you want us, then you can have us.”

My heart begins to pound, and I suddenly feel like a teenager asking out his first crush.

Emma’s fingers toy lightly with the fabric covering her knee, and then her attention switches to Asher.

“How do you feel about my dad?” she asks.

“Well…” Asher drags a hand through his beard. “His friendship is valuable to me, don’t get me wrong. And it was a hell of a shock to learn that you were Little Berry. I never made the connection but…it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen him in years, or because you have such a pull over me, but I don’t care. I know I like you in a way I don’t think I’ve ever felt before and I want to keep that.”

Emma’s cheeks flare pink.

“I won’t be telling him though, because I’m selfish and I want to spend time with you. I don’t plan on doing anything that would risk me not being able to see you anymore.”

Emma’s back straightens slightly and a smile flashes across her face a couple of times before it becomes permanent.

“Okay good,” she says softly. “I was worried because I didn’t know what to do, but at the same time I felt like I did know and it just felt like the wrong thing, y’know? Like I was too quick to accept things, so I thought asking how you felt would give me perspective and it has. I uh…”

Her green eyes dart to each of us in turn, her smile widening each time.

“I like you all too—a lot, actually. More than I want to even admit because it scares me a little, but in exciting ways. Although, I am sorry I didn’t tell you I was seeing other people.”

“People other than us?” Caspian asks, resting his chin on his upturned knuckles.

“Oh God no,” Emma laughs. “Just you three. I focused too hard on the single label, so I didn’t see a problem with it.”

“We never labeled anything,” I remind her, “so you’re good.”

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