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One eyelash free, I end up smiling. “I hadn’t thought about that. It’s true though. They all were weirdly chill about me seeing all of them. They kept saying it was because they were men.”

“Makes sense.” Ana yawns. “Men that age are mature enough to know what they want, how to get it, and how to keep it. Not like the little boys I date.”

“Cast your net wider,” I say. “Find yourself your own hot older guy.”

“And then two more?”

“Yes.” A giggle rises as I peel the second eyelash free. “Two more is ideal.”

“I’m sorry this happened though. It must have been stressful.”

Groaning, I toss the eyelashes onto the edge of the sink. “You have no idea. And my mom just kept popping up everywhere. Kinda surprised she didn’t overhear anything.”

“You should take some time to think things over.” Sheets rustle as Ana moves about her bed. “Don’t make any decisions at 3:00 a.m. Keeping this a secret from your parents will be tough enough, but since Asher knows your dad, it’ll be even bigger.”

“I know.” My fingers toy with one of the gemstones on my dress as my tired brain repeats earlier conversations in my mind. “I just don’t know how to feel.”

“Well, one thing you can do is find out how Asher feels,” Ana reminds me. “It’s important to him too. But only when you’re ready.”

“I’ll try to talk to him at the cabin,” I decide. “It’s secluded enough and chill enough that we might be able to have a decent conversation.”

“Just make sure you decide on what’s best for you and not what other people might want.” Ana winks at me. “And if I think you’re going astray, I’ll pull you back.”

“Thank you.” I pout slightly at her, then pick up the phone and angle it to show off my dress. “My mom said I looked like hard candy.”

“No way!” Ana screeches with laughter. “You look gorgeous. Trust me.”

“Thank you. I’ll let you sleep now. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Ending the call, I sink into the hot bath and do everything I can to forget everything. Ana is right. Making decisions at 3:00 a.m. is never a good idea.

“The heck?” Standing in my kitchen the following morning, I scan the countertop for my phone, but there’s nothing there other than my half-drunk coffee and an unopened packet of pancake mix. Early mornings after a late night are my least favorite, but I want to reach the cabin before everyone else. It’ll give me a chance to settle in and situate myself before my parents and the men I’m currently seeing turn up.

Only, I can’t remember where I put my phone. I definitely checked it when I woke up, and I was sure I brought it with me to make coffee. Apparently not.

“I’m losing my mind,” I murmur, chuckling at the irony of talking to myself. Back through in the bedroom, my phone sits on the dresser where I must have left it. Scraping my hair away from my forehead, I grumble to myself and slide my phone into my pocket. Clearly, I need more sleep.

I pack my bag quickly, throwing most of what I need into my rucksack along with all the toiletries I might need. A few days in the woods will do me good. Although…if Asher and the others are going to be there, then it couldn’t hurt to look nice.

I move back to my dresser and open up the underwear drawer, searching for a particular pair of sexy, scandalous, light blue underwear. I search under neatly folded bras, panties, and more, but the sexy set I have in mind is nowhere to be seen. Did I wear it earlier?

“Damn.” They must be in the wash. There goes that idea. I settle instead for the sexiest underwear I have left, a sunshine yellow set with sheet netting over the breast and pussy area. They’ll have to do. Adding them to the collection, I snap a photo of myself and the backpack and send it to the group chat.

It became a tradition after Ana watched a documentary and became concerned that I would be mauled by a bear while out in the wilderness.

“The picture I submit to the news as they broadcast your story has to be hot!” she claimed, but I knew she was just keeping her own peace of mind. Snacks secured, I head for my car and begin the long drive to the mountains.

A few hours in, I drive with the window down and a delicious breeze swirling in the car to fight off the building heat as the afternoon sun bakes down above me. Driving like this, just me and the highway brings me an odd sense of peace, and my mind is quiet. The only thing I need to keep an eye out for is the turnoff into the mountains.

My phone, nestled in the hands-free display, blares into life with an incoming call from Dad.


“Hey Berry, I have some bad news.”

“Oh no.” My stomach knots slightly. “Storm coming?”

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