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“Uh…” Okay, I hadn’t been expecting that. “I’m sorry, this is a lot to process. You all knew that I was—with all of you and none of you saw it as a problem?”

“Do you see it as a problem?” Finn asks after a sip of his beer.

“I see everything as a problem right now,” I whisper hoarsely.

“Okay, let me put it this way.” Finn sets his beer down. “Asher and Caspian bent first; they realized they were interested in the same woman and then when I realized they had been with you, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I’d denied myself for months because of bullshit rules, but I couldn’t stand knowing they got to taste you and I didn’t.”

“Honestly, you should have seen his face,” Caspian snorts. “He was so fucking jealous I got there first.”

“But you’re all…” I look between all three of them, lingering on Asher who remains silent and clearly still processing. “You don’t care?”

“About sharing?” Caspian asks and I nod.

“It’s like what I said before,” Finn says gently. “We don’t care about labels and we’re too old to mess around in games. We have an interest that we share, and you didn’t seem to mind when you were entertaining all of us.”

The band around my chest tightens and prickling heat steals down my spine. In the back of my mind, I had begun to fear one of them finding out about the others after Meghan accused me of cheating because I knew I wouldn’t be able to choose if someone forced an ultimatum.

Now it seems they don’t care about that. I close my eyes and swallow hard, focusing on staving off the wave of lightheadedness that creeps up.

“Little Berry,” Asher finally says.

“Oh God,” Finn chuckles softly. “That was a fucking twist I did not see coming.”

“Why does he call you that?” Asher asks.

I open my eyes and the warmth in my cheeks flares hotter. “Uh…when I was younger and had a tantrum, I would hold my breath for a long time. It caused my face to go red so often that my dad started calling me Little Berry as a term of endearment and then it just stuck, even after all these years.”

My cheeks become lava as Finn and Caspian laugh warmly, and Asher gives me an easy smile.

“Isn’t that adorable,” Asher says.

“No!” I snap, keeping my voice low. “It’s embarrassing. This whole thing is—I don’t even have the words.”

“Are you okay?” Asher leans into me once again and this time, I don’t pull away. His warm hand lands on my forearm and it’s surprisingly grounding. Within seconds, the rushing lightheaded sensation fades and I finally give him a small smile.

“I don’t know. I feel sick and twisted up all at the same time. I can’t believe you know my dad. It suddenly makes things all the more insane.” Shaking my head, I try to clear my thoughts into something I can manage. Unfortunately, the turmoil remains.

“So…” Lifting my gaze, I eye each of them in turn. “I’ve been seeing all three of you and none of you are mad about that? You don’t…hate me or think worse of me or anything?”

They exchange a look, then Caspian speaks. “No, Emma. It doesn’t bother us one bit. At first, it was an amusing surprise because never did I think we had the same taste in women. But when it became clear that none of us were willing to sacrifice time with you, we all realized that we didn’t care.”

“In the nicest way,” Finn reassures me. “Although I was challenging myself by resisting you for so long. Each time you flirted with me, I was sure I would crack and things would become terrible, but then Caspian told me this story about this beautiful woman that captured his attention and I knew that there was no point resisting you any longer.”

“You’re quite the addiction,” Asher adds, lightly squeezing my arm.

“This is…a lot.” It’s almost too much to process in such a short time. My heart still feels like it’s fallen out of place while it thumps furiously in my abdomen.

“We’re all sensible men,” Asher continues. “Something as simple as shared interest is easy to deal with because, frankly, we all like you. Nothing is going to change that.”

I lift my eyes to him. “Not even my father?”

“Granted, unexpected,” Asher chuckles weakly.

“How does it make you feel?” Caspian asks. “Knowing that Asher was in your life before?”

“I don’t know.” A strange crawling sensation lightly sweeps down my arms and legs, with a rushing desire to suddenly step away and run until I’m outside. The air is warm and close, and each breath I take only seems to make it warmer. “I don’t remember him at all and how I feel is still just?—”

“Emma! There you are. I hope you’re not bothering Asher too much.” Like a spring trap, my mother appears and chuckles sharply. Her hand clasps my elbow and her long nails dig into my soft flesh. “Sorry, but I have to borrow my daughter. It’s lovely to see you, Asher.”

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