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His voice trembles faintly and our eyes meet. This moment is important. Heavy. One word and everything I adore about him and the others will be over completely. One word and everyone in the room will know that I fucked my father’s old college buddy. My lips part and still my throat fails me.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dad snaps slightly.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” I force out, accepting Asher’s offered hand. “I’m so sorry. I don’t remember you at all.”

“Me either,” Asher says firmly, pleading with his eyes that this is just as much a shock to him as it is to me. “The last time I met Little Berry, she was just up to my knee. Then I had to move several states away to care for my brother and…” He trails off and swallows so hard there’s an audible gulp. “My, how you’ve grown.”

My father, thankfully oblivious to our inner turmoil, nods seriously. “Yes, I remember. A terrible time.”

As they talk, something unlocks deep in my mind. It's a distant memory of a phone call that upset my father in a way I had never seen before. The absence of a good friend was made worse by the fact that Asher’s brother had passed away suddenly. My father had wanted to attend the funeral in support, but I can’t remember if he did or not. It was so long ago, and I remember that a lot more clearly than anything to do with Asher.

The sight of my father hunched against the wall, offering multiple condolences while my mother scolded me for eavesdropping and ushered me away.

I glance between the two of them as they talk as easily as old friends, scarcely able to believe what I’m seeing.

No way I’m fucking my father’s friend.

No fucking way.

Ana is going to have a heart attack when I tell her. I feel like I’m having one right now.

“Darling.” To make matters worse, my mother suddenly appears and takes my father’s arm. “Asher, lovely to see you.”

“Ellen, lovely to see you too.”

“Darling, Francis is here to see you.” With a gentle tug, she pulls Dad away and he quickly says his goodbyes to Asher. They melt into the crowd and I remain frozen to the spot, unable to think until Asher moves a step closer.

“You know my dad?” I hiss out. Static warmth rushes through my chest and a strange vibration lingers at the back of my throat like I’ve swallowed a bee.

“Hey, I am just as shocked as you,” Asher replies, his voice low. “I had no idea you were Little Berry.”

“He never told you my name?” I snap.

“No! I mean, maybe when you were a baby, but he’s always called you Little Berry. I thought his daughter’s name was Berry.” Asher takes my elbow and I don’t resist as he pulls me closer to the table Finn and Caspian stand at. They both have a bottle of beer in their hands, but their conversation is quiet now that they’ve spotted me. Three pairs of eyes lock onto me and my cheeks flare red hot.

“I don’t believe this—do you three know each other?”

They glance at one another, and a wave of nods pass through, along with easy smiles.

“Yes,” Finn says. “We’ve known each other for years.”

A tight band constricts suddenly across my chest and I gasp, lifting trembling fingers to my lips. Asher reaches for me but I sidestep, a warning not to touch me, which he accepts.

They know each other. The men I’ve been fucking know each other? And they know my dad?

Fuzziness seeps into the edges of my vision so I reach for the table just as my balance tips hard to the left. They all watch me, the same look of concern mirrored in each of their eyes.

“And do you all know that I’ve been…” I can’t say it out loud—not here. Knowing my luck, old Gertha will overhear, tell my mother, and then I’ll have to book a funeral.

“That you’ve been dipping into several pots?” Caspian offers with a cheeky smile.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Sure, if you want to put it like that.”

“Yes,” Finn replies. “We all realized pretty quickly that we were fucking the same girl.”

“Shh!” I hiss, leaning closer over the table. “You can’t say it out loud!”

“Why not?” Caspian tilts his head. “We’re not ashamed and you shouldn’t be either.”

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