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“I think it’s sweet that you’re here.” I smile at him, and the side of Finn’s mouth pulls sharply upward almost like he’s trying to contain his own smile but can’t.

“I was worried something had happened to you. Not just because of yesterday but when I was driving over here, I was trying to plan how I would break into your apartment if something was wrong.”

I scoff lightly. “You’d break in here just to check on me?”

Finn meets my gaze. “I was really concerned.”

“Aw.” Heat bubbles up my throat and prickles behind my eyes, trying to wave off his words. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone to care about me that much. “That’s so sweet.”

“What can I say, I’m a sweet guy.” He wraps his hands around his own mug and stares at me, his eyes darting all over my face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I am. I mean, I feel hungover to all hell but I’m fine. It’ll pass.” As his smile softens and he sets his cup down, Meghan’s comment yesterday about cheating pops into my mind like a dagger.

“Does this mean we’re an item now, since you fingered me on your desk?”

Finn almost chokes as he swallows, then he laughs. “Don’t get me wrong Emma, I am painfully interested in you. I can’t even begin to explain how hard it’s been not giving in to you all these months, but labels?” His warm, hazel eyes meet mine and they’re filled with such sparkle that I want to lean into him. “I’m too old for things like that. I like you. And you like me, right?”

I nod quickly. Oh boy, yes I do.

“Then we can have fun and no one needs to worry about rules or labels.” He pauses, angling his body toward me. “Unless you want to discuss something like that?”

“No,” I decide with a smile. “I like this approach.” Deep down, I knew he would understand.

Take that, Meghan.

With Finn this close, it’s difficult to resist the pull in my chest to be close to him, so I lean forward. His eyes immediately drop to my lips, and even in my hungover state, I’m very aware of what I must look like. He doesn’t pull away though, and our lips meet in a gentle, lingering kiss. Finn’s hand moves to my thigh, squeezing firmly and he starts to slide it further up my?—

Suddenly, it’s not Finn. I’m back in my bed trying to reach something with my hand but there’s another set of hands on my thigh, pulling my leggings down. It’s dark and I can’t tell who it is, but someone is definitely with me, undressing me.

“Emma?” Finn’s distant voice cuts through the flashback and I jerk back to reality. Every muscle aches as I sit completely rigid, and Finn is leaning away with his brow pulled together. “Emma, what’s wrong?”

“I just—” How do I even explain this? Am I confusing a dream and a reality? “I keep having these…jolts. Back to last night, flashes of things I can’t remember, and I think someone was here with me last night but I don’t…I don’t remember.” I shake my head and coldness trickles through my chest like I’ve just gulped the last of my water.

“Emma.” Finn’s voice is suddenly very serious, like when he’s in class and he’s trying to get everyone to understand just how important certain grades are. “What do you remember from last night?”

“I remember drinking here with Ana and Meghan, then we went to the club and it was, I dunno, it was a usual night out.” Anxiety fuzzes in my chest like static, and the room around me suddenly expands, making me feel very small. “And then I came home and fell asleep.”

“How did you get home?”

“What?” I fix him with a steady stare.

“Did you come home with Ana or Meghan?”

“No, I…” There’s nothing. Just a giant big gap in my memory. The last thing I remember clearly is Ana wanting us to do shots. “I can’t remember.”

“How do you feel?”

“I already told you?—”

“Physically, Emma.” Finn’s voice deepens to the point that it’s no longer as comforting as it was before. “How does your body feel? Are you hurting anywhere?”

“What? No, I feel fine,” I insist. “Finn, what are you going on about? You’re starting to freak me out.”

Finn stands, his lips pressed in a firm line. “Have you showered since you woke up?”

“No, Finn, what’s wrong?”

“Come on. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

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