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I need to pee, splash some water on my face, and then drink something without alcohol content. I stumble with each step as if my heels have suddenly softened in the heat of the club, and the dryness in my throat becomes so scratchy that I need to cough after every couple of breaths.

What the hell is happening?

The strange foggy sensation in my head grows, muffling the world behind me. As I walk, keeping one eye on the glowing bathroom symbol, it begins to blur and glare which forces me to look away with a wince.

When did the lights get so bright?

When did it get so hot? Suddenly, each breath highlights just how tightly my clothes are clinging to me. I need to take them off, just for a moment, just so I can cool down. The path to the bathroom stretches out before me, somehow getting further and further away, then suddenly it clicks in my dull mind.

Something is wrong. This isn’t dehydration.

I reach out to the person closest, struggling to get my tongue to work so that I can ask for help. A sea of drunken faces swims before me, each seemingly uncaring and annoyed at my presence. Since the bathroom seems impossible, I turn back to find my friends, but the moment I do, my world tips. My stomach lurches, and the floor rises to meet me, but as I place my jelly arms out to catch myself, something stops me.

A strong grip winds around my waist, hauling me upward and against a strong torso that smells like grease and something sharp like mint. I turn my gaze upward and the faceless figure melts into darkness.

Need to pee. Need to get up and pee. Just wake up and?—

Waking with a jolt, my eyes snap open and then immediately close as a throb at the base of my skull makes itself known. I screw my eyes closed and shove my face back into a pillow with a long, low groan that scratches at my dry throat. My entire body aches, my head throbs, and my bladder screams so loud that I’m a little scared I’ll piss myself the second I try to move.

Where … am I?

Breathing in, the familiar, cozy scent of cotton and vanilla fills my nose. I’m home.

I’m home?

How did I get home? Cracking open one eye, I peer past the fuzz of my pillow and sure enough, my room blearily comes into view. Pink wallpaper with gold swirls stretching from the floor to the ceiling, my wooden dressing table with three mirrors—one cracked from a rambunctious karaoke session years ago—and my closet, closed with my denim jacket hanging from the handle. The window is open with my curtains drifting listlessly in a soft breeze so warm that I can’t even feel it.

Definitely home.

But … how?

Thinking back, last night was just a dull blur. I remember leaving here, dancing and drinking, but then it gets foggy, and everything else is just dark and empty. Releasing a groan, I push up onto one elbow and yawn. I simultaneously feel like I’ve slept for a week and yet not a wink. My phone sits neatly on my bedside table so I reach for it, surprised to see that it’s turned off. Sluggishly, I press the buttons, and it flares into life, burning my eyes, and I close them with a whimper.


Moving to sit up, my bare legs slide against the sheets, and it’s then I realize I’m in my underwear. My clothes from last night are folded neatly at the end of the bed.

What the hell?

The moment my phone turns on, it floods with missed calls and text messages from Meghan and Ana all demanding to know where I am, what happened to me, why am I not answering the door, and if I went home with one of the sexy teachers.

Did I go home with one? No, no I…I can’t remember.

The date flashes up, followed by the time and my stomach sinks.

Wait a second—I was asleep for a whole day?!

It’s 7:00 p.m. the day after, which means I slept the entire day and missed class and God knows what else.

What the fuck?

The ache in my head grows, developing into a thump that matches my heartbeat. My bladder complains louder so I throw back the duvet and slide from bed.

Suddenly, something flashes in my mind. Someone pressing against me, hands on my skin as they tuck me into bed, a press of something on my lips—any thought I have at that moment that I try to grasp just slips away instantly, and I’m left with nothing.

Remnants of a dream, maybe?

My thoughts continue to jumble as I stumble to the bathroom, and as I’m relieving myself, I suddenly notice that the thumping is not from inside my own head. Someone is at the door, knocking furiously.

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