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“Shit,” I murmur, dropping into my seat and throwing my bag on the desk. “It’s not here.”

“Your phone?” Ana slides in next to me.

“Yeah…fuck. I thought I had it when I left the house but now I’m not so sure.” I actually can’t recall when my phone was last in my hand. Maybe after I called the Uber and hopped in the shower? “Shit. It must have fallen out in the Uber over here. Getting that back is going to be insane.”

Groaning, I pull out several notepads and a pen while Ana chuckles sympathetically.

“I do not envy you, girl. But glad to know you weren’t ignoring me. Although—” She pivots in her seat and prods my shoulder with her pen. “You didn’t meet us for drinks last night. What the hell happened? You definitely had your phone then.”

Ah, last night. The frustration of my missing phone melts away, and I lean close to Ana, bringing our foreheads together. An intense bubble of excitement rises in my chest. I almost can’t sit still.

“I was busy.”

“Busy?” Ana’s eyes dart back and forth and her voice drops a few tones. “You mean…busy?”

“Yup.” I nod excitedly. “I went by the art studio to see Meghan. Well, actually to see Caspian because he’s so…y’know.”

“Mm-hmm, go on.”

“Well, he kissed me.”

“What?!” Ana squeals loudly and several people turn in their seats to shoot her unpleasant looks. I burst out laughing, clutching at her hand under the desk and gushing at her the best I can.

“Then one thing led to another, and all of a sudden we’re covered in paint fucking on a canvas and oh my God it was the best sex of my life. He might be older, but the power in his hips was so…” I suck on my teeth and groan softly. “It was amazing.”

“You little whore,” Ana laughs, keeping her voice low again. “First Asher and now Caspian?”

“Asher doesn’t count,” I remind her. “Because I didn’t know he was a teacher.”

“Girl, whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it and you’ll be riding strong dick right to graduation,” Ana laughs, squeezing my hand. “Just be safe, okay?”

“I’m popping the pill every morning, don’t you worry.”

“Unless older men have strong swimmers.” Ana rolls her eyes. “Fuck, I’m so jealous. You’re finally living the dream and I’m over here getting sleazy men in bars thinking a blow job is enough to get me off.”

“You gotta aim older,” I tease her, finally sitting back in my chair. “When I tell you that they know what they are doing?” I roll my eyes and groan. My pussy was tingling for hours after I left Caspian in the studio and stumbled home. It was like he was still inside me, still touching me and that sensation lingered long after my shower to wash off all the paint. It was similar in a way to how I swear I could still feel Asher’s mouth on me two days later.

“I’m still painfully jealous,” Ana sighs wistfully. “Maybe I do need to look into this silver fox thing you got going on.”

“It’s great. And the perk of being this amazing is that I have two.”

Ana snorts and shoves at my arm before class falls quiet as Finn strides up onto the stage with a book in hand. My heart flutters at the sight of him, followed by a warm, acidic curl of disappointment in my gut.

I still want him. Asher and Caspian have been amazing, and I entertained the thought of them all morning, but it hasn’t dampened my desire for the one man who seems utterly uninterested. Asher and Caspian are like putty in my hands, but Finn? He sees me, and yet it’s like he’s looking right through me.

Finn starts the class by reading an excerpt from the next book in our syllabus, but his words mean nothing to me. Resting my chin on my upturned palm, I admire him while my mind replays those days with Asher and Caspian. I’ve had boyfriends in the past, sure, but none of them had been so focused on my pleasure like they were. None had been as talented with their tongue or their cock. Both men made me come harder than I’ve ever come, even with my own toys.

So why do I still feel unsatisfied? Like there’s a piece missing?

Have I lusted after Finn for too long that moving on from him seems impossible?

Maybe he will forever only be a dream.

The lecture passes quickly and I manage to stop zoning out enough to write down the details of our next assignment.

“You want to pick up Meghan and grab some lunch?” Ana asks while packing up her bag.

“Yeah sure, sounds good.”

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