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“Okay, I want to try one more thing. Are you up for that?”

“Oh sure!” Tina, my model shoots me a wide smile. “I haven’t been this relaxed on a shoot in years.”

“Well, I’m only an amateur but I love that, thank you.” Warmth tinges my cheeks as I approach her. “Is it alright if I touch you now?”

“Go ahead.” Her eyes glint in the low light, and her smile remains easy while I work around her. I lift one arm above her head, crooking her elbow and placing her hand behind her head. This elongates her body and creates a larger swell around her breast. Next, I drape her hair to one side and tuck it out of sight. Then, I lift one leg to create an arch and tuck her ankle against her opposite knee.

“Perfect, okay now just relax. Do you think you can give me a sultry look?”

“How sultry we talking?” Tina asks as I work the lights. “Do you want give me the last slice of cake and I’ll eat if off you or do you want something more like that’s the most delicious cock I’ve ever seen?”

“Definitely the cock,” I laugh while I step back and raise my camera. “Ready?”


Tina nails the look first time. With the new angle of the lights, her body is hidden by a softer shadow making the peak of her nipple and the rise of her mound much more prominent. With her face illuminated, she draws the eye line, and the rest of her body feels like a secret. I snap ten to fifteen pictures before I straighten up.

“Alright, that’s it! You’ve been an absolute pleasure, Tina. Is there anything I can get you?”

Tina sits up slowly and covers herself completely with the robe. “Alright? Dang, that hour went by so quickly.”

“I am efficient,” I tease with a smile.

“Could I get some water?”

“Absolutely. Wait here. I’ll be right back. You can get dressed now.”

Turning up the heater so the booth stays warm, I exit carefully so that no one can sneak a peek at my model and head for the break room. It’s always jarring to step out of a dark booth into the much brighter light of the studio, and as my eyes adjust, I don’t notice the man walking toward me until our elbows collide. The shock of the impact darts up my arm, and I lose all grip on my camera. My heart leaps into my throat as it slips from my grip, but before it hits the ground and shatters into a thousand pieces, a hand darts out and catches it.

“Sorry!” comes a smooth, deep voice. Another warm hand grasps my elbow, steadying me. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

My stranger is…gorgeous. Honey-warm brown eyes stand out from tanned skin, and a cheeky smile spreads through a dark beard that carries a few wisps of gray. Dark hair mingling with steel gray covers his head, and his eyes twinkle when his smile widens.


Holy shit. He’s gorgeous. I take a breath, trying to find any words, and my senses are flooded with a mouthwatering citrus scent. There’s a hint of mandarin and something else I can’t place but God, he smells so fucking good.

“Hi,” I finally say. “I’m so sorry; I wasn’t looking where I was going either, so it’s all good.”

“My fault.” He places one hand on his chest where his fingertips brush the bottom edge of a silver portrait camera. “You’d think as photographers, we’d be much more attuned to our surroundings.” As he hands my camera back to me, he pauses and glances at the picture on the viewer. “Oh my God.”

“Sorry,” bursts out of me and I shove my hand over the viewer. “I don’t need to care about my surroundings because my pictures focus on people.”

“So I see.” A warm chuckle rises from his chest and I breathe deeply, growing utterly addicted to his scent. He moves my camera and taps the pad, scrolling to the next and then the next. Indignation rises that he dares to look at those without my permission, but a strong look of appreciation crosses his face, and my complaint dies in my throat.

“These are stunning.”

“I do have good taste in models.”

“Not just the models.” He brings my camera closer to his face. “The lighting, the composition. The positioning and the subtle way you work the shadows into accentuating the beauty of the body.” He lets out a long, low whistle. “You have a talented eye.”

For some reason, the compliment makes me preen and tingles shoot down my spine while I straighten up. “Thank you, that’s so kind of you. Do you shoot boudoir too?”

“Oh, no.” He shakes his head, then hands my camera back to me. “I do appreciate nature but more of the animal and plant side of things.” He holds my gaze and I find myself unable to look away. My mind races with a question, seeking any way to keep him talking to me just for a moment longer.

“I’m Emma, by the way.” Keeping my camera in one hand, I offer the other.

“Asher.” His palm slides against mine and a spark of electricity shoots up my forearm. It worms its way inside me, making my heart flutter, and when his warm, slightly rough fingers wrap around mine, my knees press together hard.

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