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“I’ve heard of a few break-ins recently,” Meghan says, wiping a smudge of whipped cream from her upper lip after she drinks. “Maybe this is connected and the cops will solve things faster than you expect.”

“But you agree, right?” Ana fixes Meghan with a steady stare. “It’s not her fault, regardless.”

“Oh, of course! I just meant that maybe you could explain that to your father and he’ll be more understanding.” Meghan lifts her brow and the hope in her eyes is clear. She speaks from a place of security, knowing her own parents adore her and would do anything to help her.

My parents simply see all the things I do wrong, and having to tell them about the break-in after such a wonderful dinner was just the cherry on top of a truly terrible evening.

“Maybe.” I don’t want to burst her hopeful bubble, more inclined to make her feel like she is helping me than tell her the truth. “Either way, the cops have my car right now and won’t be releasing it for a few days. I can’t imagine there’s much in the way of evidence but who knows.”

“I can give you a lift to campus,” Meghan assures me, flashing me a brighter smile even as I shake my head.

“That’s so far out of your way though.” Meghan lives much closer to campus than I do and I don’t want to put her out, but she shakes her head quickly before I’ve even finished trying to turn her down.

“Nonsense. I like driving so a few extra miles won’t kill me. Ana can get you on days I’m off.”

“For sure,” Ana agrees.

“Thank you.” Just behind Meghan’s head, the line finally depletes enough that I can no longer deny my urge for more coffee. “Be right back.”

Standing, I toss my empty cup into the nearest trash can and hurry into line before the next swarm of students out of class can take over. With how little I slept last night, this coffee needs to be strong and sweet. Anything to keep my bubbling frustrations under control.


Pulling my attention from the menu, I turn to Mike, who appears at my elbow like a ghost. His presence surprises me and a flush of goosebumps dart across my skin as we come face-to-face.

“Mike! Sorry, were you in line? I didn’t even see you.”

“No.” He shakes his head quickly. There’s something unsettling about how his hair doesn’t quite move. “Did I overhear correctly? Someone broke into your car?”

“Oh.” I bite back a groan, unwilling to hash out the details with yet another person. “Yeah, it’s a whole thing but the cops are dealing with it so.”

“I’m so sorry.” The concern in his voice is deep but something about it makes me uncomfortable. We don’t know each other that well, but as I consider turning away, I remember what Meghan said. “Have you been a victim?”

“Of a break-in?”

“Yeah. Meghan said there’s been a few around campus lately, so…”

“No. I don’t have anything worth stealing.” Mike snorts with laughter suddenly and his somewhat stoic face lights up with warmth. It pulls a smile from me, and I chuckle.

“I’m sure that’s not true. Everyone has something someone else wants, especially if it’s hidden in a car in the middle of the street.” Joking about it doesn’t ease my frustration, but maybe in a week or so, I’ll be able to look back at this and laugh.

“I’ve heard that’s an excellent way to get rid of things you might not want. People always want to take things that don’t belong to them,” Mike says. “But it’s nice to see you again.”

“Again?” My brow furrows while I move with the line.

“Yeah, after the club?”

“Oh! Sorry.” I shake my head and brush against his arm. “My head’s been all over the place with this shit I completely forgot. Yeah, the club was fun.” And awkward. Suddenly, the warmth on Mike’s face loses all of its appeal when I remember him trying to lean in and kiss me.

“That’s understandable. You’ve been through something awful. I can’t imagine how exposed and violated you must feel.”

My heart skips slightly. When he says that, the frustration in my chest suddenly untangles and becomes cold. Violated is a good word for it, knowing some stranger rifled through my life.

“Yeah well…it’s in the hands of the cops now.”

“How about I take you to dinner?” Mike steps around me, half-blocking my next step in the line. “A nice distraction and maybe I can even be a protecting presence.”

“That’s sweet but no thank you.” Politely, I side-step him as my desire to continue this conversation fades. I can already tell where this is going, and I try to shoot an emergency look toward Meghan and Ana. They don’t notice. They’re buried in their phones, showing each other something that makes them laugh loudly.

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