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He blinked, my tone finally getting through to him. Tears filled his green eyes. “I’m okay.” Tears threatened to spill down my own cheeks, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

He dropped his forehead to mine. “I thought you were hurt,” his voice wobbled. “I should’ve been here and—” he choked.

His undoing broke me apart. I kissed him gently and sweetly, its power and force becoming desperate. “I’m okay,” I breathed. The realization that he’d literally just saved me from three wild wolves forcing me into a shaking fit.

“Coots mentioned there might’ve been wolves recently in the area when I first arrived. And we’d even heard howling a few nights ago. I should’ve taken it more seriously,” he choked out, furious with himself. Shadow whimpered and I made space for him between Eric and me. We quickly searched over him. Surprisingly, Shadow hadn’t been harmed at all, the wolf taking far more of a beating. I sighed in relief.

Eric, however, bled all over my jacket. “We need to get you to a hospital.”

“No, just call Thomas he’ll be able to stitch me up and should have a tetanus shot somewhere.”

“Eric,” I said, cupping his face again, tears spilling over my cheeks.

“I know,” he said, cupping my face desperately. “I thought I’d lost you.”

Tears streamed down my face. “You shouldn’t have jumped in, you’re hurt.”

He chuckled, almost hysterically. “As if I’d let anything happen to you.” His expression softened and he dipped his forehead to mine again. “And thank you for defending Shadow.”

I looked down at the courageous dog, stroking his head in appreciation. I’d just found my new hero.

With a wince, Eric pulled out his cell. “Let’s go back inside in case they come back.” I helped him stand, although he insisted he didn’t need it. He tucked me in tightly, kissing the top of my head and squeezing me as he called Thomas. I squeezed into his ribs, my heart pounding, my bottom lip quivering. With the adrenaline wearing off, exhaustion began to quickly take hold.

I held Eric tightly, my heart in my throat as the thought of losing either Shadow or Eric more terrifying than I’d realized. I clung to Eric as tightly as he clung to me, staring at his bleeding arm, tears streaming down my cheeks that there was nothing I could do to help him. He’d risked his life to save me—not for my name or money. Simply to protect me.

Chapter 31


When I’d called Thomas he was at our family home and somehow managed to force my mother back into the house as she made a commotion in the background. I’d also called Lori to warn the locals and any tourists who were stopping by to hike locally.

Thomas had already given me the tetanus shot, stitched me up, and bandaged my arm. I hadn’t realized at the time that one of the others had nipped me on the calf as well. He said I was lucky that I was such a hunk of meat in the first place and they didn’t snag anything too important. It didn’t give me much reassurance, as he cocked a smirk while saying it. What I was grateful for was the heavy drugs he’d given me.

Cassidy had fluttered around me ever since, and now she was re-evaluating the bandages even when they didn’t need to be. I watched her groggily. I didn’t feel like the lucky one. Shadow had been waiting for me in front of the door. When I’d jumped out and closed the truck door, that’s when he suddenly bolted for the trees and I heard Cassidy’s scream. I’d never run so fast in my life, my heart pounding in my chest. I acted on impulse and instinct, the rest was a blur.

I hadn’t even thought twice about throwing myself in front of the wolf. My entire world had flipped upside down the moment I’d seen her defending herself and protecting my fucking dog. It should’ve been me. She should’ve never been in that dangerous situation and the thought of anything happening to her… My fist curled into the blanket and unsettled anxiety filled my chest.

“Cassidy,” I said quietly as I shifted to sit more upright in the bed. The drugs Thomas had given me were strong.

“You should rest,” she said quickly, sitting at my side and pressing her hand to my chest. I could see the worry in her gaze and it knotted something deep in my stomach. I grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb over it; she looked like she was about to cry, but much like me… I noticed the tension ripple away ever so slightly with the contact. She’d avoided my eyes ever since Thomas had left. But the only thing I wanted right now was her, to know she was okay and safe. In my arms and protected where nothing would dare touch her.

“It’s looking good,” she said solemnly, staring at the bandage. “I’ll get you more water.” She grabbed my empty glass from the side table but I pulled her arm down instead, leaving her face only inches from mine. Finally, those bright blue eyes noticed me. I cupped her chin and she nuzzled into it.

“I told you I’m fine,” she said quietly. Even though I saw her, felt her, that sheer terror still coursed through my veins.

“Stay with me. Read me another chapter,” I said lazily. I didn’t like this fretting side of Cassidy. It had us both on edge. I just wanted her by my side. Safe and warm. With me.

A soft expression twisted her face. “You should rest,” she said.

“I will while you’re reading to me. I want to see if they get there happily ever after.” The truth was I didn’t give two shits what happened to the couple in that book. But what I did care about was Cassidy acting her usual self. She’d since changed into her long sweatpants and that little crop top she’d often taunted me with while doing yoga. If the drugs weren’t so effective acting as a tranquiliser, I might’ve taken her and explored every inch of her again.

But I could barely move. I grimaced. Fuck I was turning into an old man. She slowly unfurled my fingers and walked over to the fireplace, stoking it. I thought she was running away again but before I could argue, she collected the book from the side table near the sofa. She patted Shadow considerately, who lay at the end of the bed and had been there ever since. He seemed spooked as well. And much like I yearned for her touch, he seemed to relax slightly under her attention too. She tucked under my shoulder and curled into me, bringing the blanket up with her.

“We’ve only got four chapters left. What do you think’s going to happen?” she asked.

“Well, they’re obviously going to get back together, aren’t they?” I said with a yawn.

“Maybe it’s not so predictable,” she murmured as she laid her head on my chest, cautious not to hurt my other arm. I tucked her in tighter.

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