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I stepped into the hot shower, grateful for its heat as it thawed out my bones. Slowly, I found myself sinking to the bottom of the shower, curling my arms around my legs and dipping my head, allowing the hot water to wash over my back as I quietly sobbed.

I couldn’t go back to my parents because it meant I’d have to deal with everything I’d worked so hard to run away from at this point. Having my credit cards and cell suspended only reminded me of how truly owned I was by them. But I never thought it would come to this. I cried, angry at myself for not creating a safety net for myself. Why had I been so naive as to think I could play out this new life I’d created in Manhattan without consequence?

And now what was I going to do? As of tomorrow, I’d have to leave and go where?

Maybe it was all the driving that had me beat down. Usually, I would’ve thought of an alternative exit strategy by now, and yet nothing came to mind. Only what appeared to be rock bottom as I sat on the tiles of some stranger’s shower.

Thoughtfully, I squirted some of the shower gel into my palms not surprised by the intense masculine smell of it. I massaged my body with it, much preferring the smell of this than feeling cold and gross after the full day’s drive.

But I couldn’t hide in here forever. As much as I wanted to. I stood up, a slight head spin from the steam and crying as I stepped out, turning the shower off.

I curled the fluffy gray towel around me, patting my face before my entire body locked up. On the middle of the bathroom floor was a spider. I screamed, almost ripping the door off its hinges and bolting out of the room.

Eric jerked up, and in two strides he was tucking me behind his back, confused. Shadow growled at the ominous presence coming from the bathroom.

“What is it?” Eric asked, looking back and forth.

I pointed, hot water still beading down my back and legs. “There’s a spider,” I gushed, my voice shaking.

I saw the noticeable tension ripple away from him until it was replaced by something else. A booming laugh.

Disheveled, I tightened the towel around my chest, now suddenly self-conscious that I was standing so closely to this man naked. And yet it did nothing to deter his thunderous laughter that created ample butterflies in my stomach.

“It’s big!” I said, popping out my hip with my hand on it.

“Of course it is, snowflake.”

I peered over his shoulder as he so effortlessly scooped it up in his hand and walked toward the door. Okay maybe in his hands it didn’t look so big. Shadow was by his side the entire time, curious by what Eric was handling.

Heat flushed my cheeks as the crackling fireplace grabbed my attention. Wow it was so warm in here now.

Eric dusted his hands and closed the door. When he turned, his gaze quickly drifted down to my toes. His gaze diverted as he quickly looked away from my almost-naked state.

A new kind of heat rose to my cheeks. I’d never been embarrassed to show my body before. So why now? Was it because of the celibacy I’d vowed when leaving Manhattan? It had been three months since I’d been intimate with any man, and considering my track record, that was a while. And why was I even thinking about this?

“I’ll go change,” I quickly gushed, dashing back into the bathroom. My heart pounded. This was way too close to be spending time with a gorgeous lumberjack. Not only had I hit rock bottom but the fates were playing a cruel joke to boot. I took a shaky breath, trying to relax. Stop being so conceited. He’s probably not into you. There. As easy as that, I was able to clear away the immediate thoughts that came to mind as to what I would do to him… climb him like a tree for example. This time I did slap my cheeks. Enough.

It felt strange not having my usual night routine with my creams and lotions, and my hair was going to be a giant mess tomorrow morning without my sprays. I sighed. Wow I really had hit rock bottom.

I put on a thong and threw on the oversized flannel. Wow did this really fit him? It came to my knees. I looked back and forth in the mirror kind of surprised that I liked the style. It didn’t flatter in the way that I’d usually wear tight dresses but it was, well kind of cute. A pinup of “boyfriend/girlfriend goals.” Not that a stranger for one night held that kind of magnitude but I wasn’t as uncomfortable by wearing it.

When I walked out, the lights had been switched off, all but two lamps. One beside the sofa I’d be staying on that already had a multitude of pillows and blankets thrown over it. And the other light was on Eric’s bed side table. He was already rolled over to the side in his bed, with Shadow on a pillow by the floor. His larger figure was noticeable under the blankets and the dark outline of mountains through the ceiling-high windows stretched behind him.

I went to say goodnight but tightened my lips. He was probably already sleeping anyway. I tucked myself under the blankets, surprised by the sofas comfort. I hadn’t slept on many sofas, but there was something strange and beautiful about staring into the fireplace. The crackling seemed to break through my worrisome thoughts. Tomorrow, with a fresh mind, I’d figure out what I’d do.

I couldn’t help but notice the eerie howling wind, a twist in my stomach unable to unfurl even as I focused on the calmness of the crackling fire. An uncomfortable tension rippled through me, the sense that something bad was yet to come.

Chapter 6


Iquietly hummed as I cooked the only thing I knew how to. An omelette. I swayed in the kitchen, surprised that Eric was a heavy sleeper. I imagined he might’ve been the type to wake up at the pinprick of any noise.

I’d been awake since the fireplace ceased crackling and the charcoal barely remained to glow. I’d at least managed a few hours’ sleep and had been trying to form some kind of game plan ever since. When I’d only come up with a few painful ideas, I decided to make myself useful by way of a kind of gesture for Eric’s hospitality. He had said I could use or eat anything, after all.

I studied the omelette as I hoped said game plan miraculously came to mind. I had to figure out my next move after leaving this town. If a larger town up ahead wasn’t too far away, maybe I could sell a ring or two? The thought mortified me. I loved all my accessories but if it gave me enough cash for gas to make it over the border and to my friend’s, then it’d be worth it. But then what? I’d be stranded there with no money and Alice wasn’t the type of friend I could express my worries to. She was nice and all but she loved to gossip more than the next person. Hearing that I had nothing in my bank account would spread like wildfire. I’m sure my parents thought the same thing, that I’d contact them or reach home just as quickly, begging. And I refused to do that. I couldn’t do that.

Shadow had been by my side the moment I woke, and he silently watched me with his tail wagging. He looked up at me as if begging, probably for the food I assumed. That’s what dogs did, wasn’t it? But he’d only want meat, right? The way he looked at me spoke volumes, that he’d eat anything I’d throw his way. But weren’t dogs allergic to certain foods? “Sorry,” I mouthed to him. That was a risk I wasn’t taking.

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