Page 11 of Edmond

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Edmond’s heart broke for the other man and his wife. If there had ever been a time when he thought of his parents being different, he would have hoped for them to be like the Pendleton family.

“Now, see here. I’m feeling better already. Thank you for that.” Edmond told him that he was pleased to be able to help him, but he felt as if he’d done nothing. “Oh, but you have. Just getting that little bit off my chest, well, it’s made me feel like a new man. Yes, sir, it has. If I had ever hoped for a son that wasn’t the ones that I have, I’d hope that he’d be someone like you. Welcome to the family, Edmond. I’m very proud to have you as my son.”

After a few minutes more, they hung up. Edmond decided that he was going to make sure that he spent more time with the Pendletons. Anytime they wanted. He was also going to suggest to his brothers, too, that they should go to him as well when they needed fatherly advice.

Locking up the house, he took the stairs two at a time to go to their bedroom. They still didn’t have a bed, nor furniture for that matter, but the mattress on the floor was good and sturdy for them and he was looking forward to making love to his wife and also sleeping with her.

“Is my dad all right?” He told Mac what he’d talked about and said that he thought that he felt better when he hung up. “Good. I think that he misses having someone that he can just blow off steam with. He used to do that with my grandda Jacob before he passed on. Maybe he’ll not feel so lonely if he has someone like you around. You’re all right with that, yes?”

“I am. More so than I think that I thought that I’d be.” He moved toward her, noticing right then that she was only dressed in a towel. It was wrapped around her, starting at the top of her breasts to just above her knees. “I think that I’m going to love having you in our bed.”

“I should hope so.” She laughed but then stopped herself. “I’m nervous. What if you don’t satisfy me?”

They both laughed at that. When she came to him, dropping the towel on her way, he had to stop her from getting too close so that he could have his first good look at her. Christ, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. Just exquisite.

Pulling her gently, more like he was bringing her to him if she wanted, he kissed her on her mouth and sighed. It was too much, being this close to perfection and not being able to tell her how much he loved her. Edmond decided that he might be better off by showing her rather than fumbling through words that he didn’t think would cover even a small part of his feelings at the moment.

“I love you so much.” She looked up at him, and he smiled. “You’re naked, love. And my cock is so hard right now that I’m surprised that I’ve not ripped out my zipper.” When she ran her hand down his shoulder to his hand, he took in a deep breath when her fingers danced their way to his cock. “Honey. Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

“Yes.” The word came out as a hiss. That she not only knew what he was doing but she was enjoying it too. “You’re so thick, Edmond. And so heavy feeling.”

When she went to her knees in front of him, it was all he could do not to beg her to finish him off. Not that he had any idea what that might mean to her, but he was willing to bet his life on the fact that he’d feel it for the rest of his life.

“I’m going to suck your cock until you come down my throat.” His body felt like she was draining him. And all she’d done was unsnap the snap on his pants. “Help me.”

He had to calm himself twice before he was able to do what she wanted. His pants were ruined when he let just enough of his wolf go to claw at the sides of his jeans and rip them off. Before he could do much more than drop them to the floor, she had pulled the tip of his cock free of his boxers and was working her tongue over the tip and the little eye that was there.

By the time she got his boxes off of him, Edmond was sweating. He didn’t know how much longer he was going to last, but he did know that he didn’t want to rush her either. His body was being turned inside out right now, and all he could think about was taking her hard on the bed and marking her as his mate. Dizzy, he held tightly to the wall that was nearby as he watched her make love to his cock.

Her lips were full and a dark pink. Her chin was covered in his precum as she licked him one moment, then suckled at his cock the next. Moving her lovely hair out of the way, he cried out when she nipped at his cock. Then, while he watched, Mac licked along the thick vein there until she was able to take him into her mouth again.

On its own, it seemed to him, his body began fucking her mouth. He did it slowly at first, not wanting to harm her. Then before he could make himself wait again to hold out, he was fucking her pretty mouth like he wanted to do to her pussy.

When she put her warm hands onto his balls, he nearly cried out but held himself stiff so that he’d not come too fast. For as much as it was driving him crazy not to come, he knew that coming now would be just too soon. Edmond wanted her to have as much enjoyment as—

“Christ.” He was coming. Hard and quick movements from his hips had him holding her head so that she’d take him all. As his balls emptied, he could feel the need to come again. At her moan, something that she did very well, Edmond steadied himself better before reaching down and pulling her up from the floor and tossing her, quite a feat, he thought, onto the bed so that her legs were dangling off the edge.

Edmond pulled her thighs open and let them rest on his shoulders. She was so wet he could almost drink from her right now. Licking the cream from her thigh to her pussy, he nearly came again when she slid her fingers down from her navel to her pussy and opened herself wider for him. Lunging forward, he nipped none too gently on her clit and felt the hot gush of cream as it slid down the back of his throat.

Her ass was firm, her body more so. Each place that he touched her, she’d cry out. He knew that she was enjoying herself. The amount of cream that he was getting was nearly too much for him to catch. Letting the extra flow to the floor where he was, he nipped again at her, and this time, when she came, Mac nearly bucked him off. She was fucking his tongue and mouth so hard. Pulling her up from the mattress, wishing so much that he had a real bed, he picked her up by her ass and slammed his cock into her just as the two of them hit the wall in their bedroom.

Losing control a little, Edmond was sure that he was hurting her. But for the life of him, he couldn’t stop. Licking her shoulder up to just below her ear, he bit down on her and felt her body stiffen. Her climax, this time, nearly had him unconscious. If not for her screaming, he was sure that they both would have ended up on the floor.

Drinking down her hot, spicy blood, he used a bit of his claw to slice open his throat for her. As soon as her mouth covered his wound, he came again. Then again. Sealing the wounds at her throat, he wasn’t the least bit surprised when she was able to seal his as well. Edmond didn’t think that he’d ever underestimate a woman again. Especially this one in his arms.

Before he was out, which he knew was inevitable now, he dragged his sorry body to the mattress and helped her to it. It was all he could do after that to not fall face-first on top of her. Christ, he thought for sure that a man had never had this kind of lovemaking before. If so, he wondered why there were any men left in the world right now. At least a great many of them were nothing but shells of their former selves.

Chapter 6

Edmond was happy for the time that he got to spend with his brothers. But he also wanted to go back home, find Mac, and take her back to bed. They’d had so much fun. Not funny fun but seriously good fun over the last few days that he couldn’t help but find himself singing. He tried very hard not to do it around his brothers.

“You’re being foolish again. And if you don’t wipe that sappy smile off your face, I’m going to beat you until you’re nothing left but a pile of fur.” Edmond looked at his brother, Devlin, but didn’t ask what was on his mind. “Just don’t. All right? I don’t want to hear how you’re in so much love that you can’t leave the house and that spending time with us isn’t working out for you.”

“What’s up your ass? He’s here, isn’t he?” It wasn’t him that asked but he was glad that Ivan had. “You’ve been picking and bitching since I picked you up. Tell us, or I’m really going to beat you until you’re not even good enough for a pillow.”

“Where is Lica? Tell me that.” Edmond thought that there was more going on than him just being a prick right now. “When Brandy calls, we all jump to her bidding. Well, I’ve decided that I’m going to walk to my own drummer. You fuckers can do what she wants, but I’m going to branch out on my own and make my own cash.”

“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong with you, I’m going to tell Brandy what you said. And you’ll make her cry. Again. She’s breeding, and you’ve made her cry three times in the last week. I don’t know how much more that Lica can take of you doing that, but I’m willing to just skip over the part where you explain and beat the shit out of you because I can.” Guy stood up and towered over Ayden. “Spill it, or I’m going to spill you all over this nice clean floor.”

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