Page 8 of Tamed

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Manny held his hands up, like he was trying to calm a wild animal. "It’s nothing serious. My nephew…"

I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "Nothing good ever starts with my nephew."

"Look, my sister’s boy just graduated. He needs a job because his liberal arts degree won’t take him anywhere fast."

"And I get to be the lucky recipient of that promise?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"I just need you to train him," Manny said, his tone placating. "Colvin’s a bright kid. He should pick up fast."

I gritted my teeth. "Are you fucking kidding me? The last trainee I had took over three months. It’s not like dropping a bird out of a tree and watching it fly."

Manny rubbed his eyes with his fingers, clearly trying to keep his cool. "Please? What do you want?"

"Are you asking or telling me?" I shot back, narrowing my eyes.

"Asking. What do you want?"

I licked my bottom lip, considering my options. "An extra week of vacation."

Manny looked like he was in pain. "You know I can’t do that, not now. I need you in the office. You’re my best agent."

"Christ on a cracker, what about Nicholas?" I tried, hoping to shift the burden.

"He’s adequate, but he’s not you."

"You mean he’d rather wine and dine a client than close a deal."

Manny scratched his face, looking tired. "He’s a good agent, but he’s not you."

"Then how about you raise my commission?" I countered.

"You already get two percent. Raise it to what?"


"Two and a half is the best I can do."

I quickly did the math in my head, thinking about how much that could add up to if I sold a few seven-figure properties. It’d be enough to finally buy that little cottage I’d been eyeing on Long Beach Island. A place just steps from the sand, with a crow’s nest on the roof where I could sip margaritas and watch the ocean stretch out on clear days.

I scratched at my knee before I answered. “Done. When does junior get here?”

Manny screwed up his face, chewing at his cheek as he hesitated. "He’s in my office."

I narrowed my eyes, not liking where this was going. "You were going to ambush me?"

"I would never do that without asking first," he said, but his sheepish expression told me otherwise.

I glared at him, feeling both annoyed and amused. "I would hate you if I didn’t love you so much. Send him in."

Manny rose from his chair, buttoning his jacket with a grateful nod. "Thank you."

"Remember this when I ask for a day off," I warned, my tone half-serious.

"When will that be?" he asked, disbelief clear in his voice.

He had a point. My so-called days off were a joke. I’d sleep in until noon, sure, but by the time I woke up, my voicemail and email would be overflowing with client requests. Inevitably, I’d end up spending the rest of the day putting out fires.

"What’s his name again?" I asked, trying to keep my irritation at bay.

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