Page 58 of Betrayed By Love

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He shrugs. “Suit yourself.”

Each step I take down the hall helps me get further away from his state of undress. My body is reacting to my husband in a most unwelcomed way.

After a shower and a nap, I rise naked from my bed and don my pink terry robe. It has been hours since lunch, and I am starving. I go to find Foster, eventually locating him in his office. He is sitting at his desk, now dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of white sweatpants. He glances up as I enter, and once again, his gaze shifts to my legs, which were mostly exposed.

Foster pulls off his brown square-framed glasses. “Are you feeling better? You’ve been asleep for a few hours.”

“I don’t sleep well when you’re not here,” I say as I lean against the doorjamb.

His lips curl up into a grin. “You miss me?”

“This place is too big for one person. How did you stand it?”

“I wasn’t home that often. My days and evenings were filled with business, or I was traveling.”

“And now?”

Foster smiles at me. “I have a reason to be home now.”

I blush and nod. “Thank you for saying that..”

Foster runs his hand through his hair, looking a bit uncomfortable.“I took the liberty of ordering dinner. It will be here in a half-hour.”

“How did you know I would be awake?”

“Call it intuition… or I would’ve knocked on your door until you answered.”

“And if I didn’t answer?”

“I wouldn’t violate your privacy if that’s what you mean.”

“I didn’t say you would.” I move further into his office, taking a seat on the gray couch against the wall opposite his desk. Foster can’t take his eyes off my legs as I cross them. He most definitely had a leg fetish.

“Can we call a truce?” he asks.

“A truce for what?”

“I don’t want to argue with you. Maybe you can come on a business trip with me if you’re lonely.”

I bite my bottom lip, then respond, “A trip?”

Foster leans back in his chair. “Sure. Wives go on trips with their husbands all the time.”

“Emma sometimes goes with Jordan,” I add.

“See, there you go.”

“But we’re not really husband and wife.”

“Legally, we are. Why is it so hard for you to deal with?”

“Because I’m a romantic. I wanted the fairy tale.”

“You have plenty of time for the fairy tale.”

“I feel old.”

Foster snorts. “Wait until you’re my age.”

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