Page 55 of Betrayed By Love

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Chapter 8

Our relationship sweeps through the holidays without much fanfare. I purchase a pair of cufflinks for Foster, and he gives me emerald earrings. His travel also picks up, so he is away from home several times a month. It doesn’t matter; we don’t have any type of connection other than when we have to act for his family or mine.

One Saturday in early March, Foster is overseas, making a deal for some property, so I make a date with Emma and Rory to have lunch. I hadn’t seen my girlfriends since January, and I miss them. We are meeting at The Iron Horse at one, which is great because I have a craving for their gruyere grilled cheese on sourdough and some seasoned waffle fries.

I’m the first to arrive because Peters is at my disposal while Foster is away. I secure a table in the corner of the restaurant. The place is cozy and eclectic, with iron legged tables and chairs. People were also encouraged to carve their names in the thick wooden tabletops. Tracing one, I run my fingers over a heart with J Loves K in the middle.

A waitress wearing a black shirt with white block lettering reading The Iron Horse comes by to take my drink order. It was at this moment that I realize I’m not wearing my wedding ring. I had taken it off this morning to wash a few dishes I left in the sink the night before. I feel a bit panicked and hope it was sitting on the counter. It is too late to do anything about it now as Rory and Emma breeze through the door and scan the room. I wave to them.

“There’s the newlywed,” Emma says as she hugs me, stepping back so Rory can do the same.

Once we sit, I slide menus toward them, and I catch Emma’s frown.

“Where’s your ring?”

“I think I left it on the counter. I washed dishes this morning.”

“I’ve done that,” Rory says. “Not that Hunter likes when I don’t wear it.”

“What does it matter? It’s not like it would stop us from cheating.”

Both my friends look at me in horror. “You think about cheating?” Emma asks.

I clasp my hand to my chest, explaining, “Not me, I would never. I love Foster.”

“Is he ever going to stop traveling?” Rory asks.

“You would have to ask him. Doesn’t Hunter travel?”

“He does, but I usually go with him.”

“What about Jordan?” I ask Emma.

“I’m busy with work, so I can’t go with, but he tries to limit his travel.”

I glance away from them and notice a group of men two tables over watching us. It doesn’t surprise me. Both Emma and Rory are gorgeous blondes, but they are sporting large wedding and engagement rings. It was apparent they weren’t available.

Our conversation flows as we share lunch. By the time we leave, I feel much better… until I get home. I almost trip over Foster’s suitcase in the foyer. Confused, I didn’t expect him until tonight. Moving further into the penthouse, I spot him is sitting on the sofa, still dressed in his navy-blue suit. On the table next to him is a glass half full of an amber liquid. He scowls at me as I get nearer.

“Out for a little fun?” he growls.

I ignore him as I toe off my sneakers and stick them in the foyer closet. “What’s your problem.”

Foster rises from the couch and approaches me, holding up his pinky finger. Both my wedding and engagement rings dangle from the curled digit, jingling as he shakes them. “Did you forget something?”

“Yes, I forgot them, so what?”

In two strides, he’s in front of me. “We’re married,” he hisses, his whiskey laden breath fanning across my face.

“In name only.” I know I shouldn’t antagonize him, but I can’t resist.

“What if I want more?”

I laugh, retorting, “More? We barely speak to each other, now get away from me.” I push at him, but he is planted firmly next to me. “Foster?”

He bends his head and presses his lips against mine. I struggle as his hands twist into my hair, but my resistance lasts a short time, and I find myself lacing my hands behind his neck, kissing him back as his tongue invades my mouth. He softly moans before he tears himself away from me.

Confused, I can only fix my eyes on his. “What do you want from me?” I cry.

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